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Free 6 x Hypnosis Scripts for Weight Reduction & Obesity [PDF]

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Free 6 Hypnosis Scripts for Weight Reduction & Obesity [PDF]
Free 6 x Hypnosis Scripts for Weight Reduction & Obesity [PDF] $35.64 Original price was: $35.64.$9.97Current price is: $9.97.
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Weight Reduction 1              Fool’s Appetite, Eating Habits

As you relax more deeply with every gentle breath you breathe, your inner mind is open to and accepting of every positive and beneficial suggestion on this recording. Every beat of your heart stimulates your inner mind to magnify and reinforce these positive suggestions and implement them fully in your outer life. These suggestions lock into the deepest part of your mind and become permanently true for you. The more often you use your weight reduction recordings, the more powerful the suggestions become, and the faster they work for you.

You are so excited about your new, positive and successful approach to reducing weight and obtaining the more slender, strong, attractive and healthy body you desire. You are undertaking a whole new way of thinking, feeling and acting and you are amazed and surprised by how effective your new approach is and how quickly these suggestions integrate fully into your outer life, giving you new thoughts, new feeling and a whole new way of acting – you are becoming the effective and successful person you were meant to be.

You understand that your goal is to reduce your body’s weight and gain strength, health, attractiveness and slenderness. You no longer think about

losing weight – our minds are programmed not to lose things, so thinking about losing weight causes the mind to fight your efforts. You now realize that you are reducing weight and gaining every good thing, health, an attractive slimmer body, strength and endurance. You are reducing your body’s weight and losing nothing – you are regaining control of your life. When you talk about what you are doing, you always talk about reducing weight and gaining all the good things you want.

You are now implementing a creative, positive and satisfying new attitude about food and eating. You enjoy food, you like food and you like eating the food your body needs in the proper amounts. You are implementing positive changes in your eating habits. When your body needs food, you eat what it needs, just like you fill your car with gas when it needs fuel. You look at food as fuel for your body – you enjoy eating, but you only want to eat when your body actually needs fuel. You are making a friend with your appetite – both parts – the part of your appetite that says: “I need fuel, I’m hungry” and the part that says: “I’m full now, stop eating.” Diets try to make us kill our appetites, but you are making friends with yours. Your hunger, your psychological desire to eat, is now in perfect harmony with your appetite, your body’s need for food. You only feel hungry when your body needs fuel.

In the past, you didn’t listen to your appetite, you listened to your hunger. Hunger is a psychological desire to eat. In the past, your hunger was triggered by many things other than your body’s need for fuel. Perhaps you felt hungry because it was a certain time of the day, or because food was present. Perhaps you felt hungry because you were bored, or lonely or angry or afraid. These things are fools hunger. You’ve heard of Fool’s Gold. Prospectors would lug heavy pounds of fools gold many miles, only to be disappointed when they discovered it was worthless pyrite. Fool’s hunger is just like that. Whenever you eat for emotional reasons, or just because it is a certain time, or because food is present; you are experiencing fool’s hunger. And just like the prospectors, you are always disappointed when you eat because of fool’s hunger. And that is because food cannot fix loneliness, or boredom or any other reason for fool’s hunger. Food is fuel for your body and nothing else. And for that reason, your mind now links your psychological desire to eat to your with your body’s physiological need for fuel. You only feel hungry when your body needs fuel, and you only want the amount of fuel that your body needs. You are never fooled by fool’s hunger again because you are not a fool. You are a unique, amazing, beautiful and one-of-a-kind perfect human being, and your desire to eat is now, and forever, in perfect balance with your body’s need for fuel. You are totally amazed the first time you say: “No, thank you, I’m not hungry.” By the second time you say it, you are totally delighted that you only feel hungry when your body actually needs fuel.

You are adapting some exciting new eating habits. The first is that you always sit down to eat. You make your meals a special time, when you can focus on your food. You always turn off the television when you eat. Quiet music is OK, but you eliminate distractions and focus on your food. Second, you only eat when you are hungry. You never eat because it is a certain time of day, or because others expect you to. You honor your body, and only eat when your appetite tells you your body needs fuel. The more you honor your appetite, the happier you feel.

You really taste and enjoy your food, more than ever before. Enjoyment of our food is actually necessary for the second part of the appetite, the part that says: “I’m full”, to work properly. When you eat, you focus on enjoying your food far more than before through an exciting new tasting habit. When you take the first bite in your mouth, you lay down your utensil, or if it is a food you hold like a sandwich, you put it down. Then you focus fully on the delicious bite that is in you mouth. You focus your entire attention on that first bite of food. You chew it thoroughly and fully – you chew the delicious bite thoroughly – at least twice as long as you used to. You extract every bit of pleasure that first bite has to offer. You notice the bite tastes different in different parts of your mouth, you pay attention to the texture of the bite in your mouth, and to the way it feels. You pay attention to the aromas and everything else about that first bite of food – each subtle shift in flavor as you chew. You extract every single bit of sensuous, delightful pleasure that first bite of food has to offer. Then, and only then, do you even think about taking another delicious bite. You continue in this way, one bite at a time, putting your utensil down between bites, and giving each bite your total attention. And before you know it, the second half of your appetite wakes up totally, and let’s you know your body is fully fueled, and all desire to eat another bite simply fades away. You are totally amazed that you are eating much less, but enjoying your food 1000 times more, using this simple habit.

And remember that your inner mind is working for you. In the past, when you dieted, you felt deprived and cheated. But this is not a diet. You are making friends with your appetite, and you eat whatever you want. Your powerful inner mind is changing what you want, so that you only want the foods that help you attain your goal of a fit, slender, healthy body. Your inner mind actually increases the pleasure you feel in healthy food and decreases the pleasure in not so healthy foods. For the rest of your life, you eat what you want, while your inner mind changes what you want, so that your desires match your goals of a slender, strong, healthy, attractive body. You refuse to diet. Dieting triggers the old starvation reflex and stops your progress. You eat what your body needs for fuel. You eat what you want, but your inner mind changes what you want so that you only want the foods and the amounts of foods that help you attain your ideal body size, shape, weight and condition. Your inner mind knows it is about moderation, not deprivation – As your inner mind changes what you want, it deprives you of nothing. For example, a small, half ounce piece of dark chocolate daily will not distort your body and it gives you both pleasure and important antioxidants. But 2 pounds of chocolate a day would totally distort your body. Your inner mind understands moderation – so you eat whatever you want, but you are totally amazed to find that your inner mind is changing what you want so that you only want the foods and the amounts of foods that help you attain and maintain your new, slimmer, stronger, healthier and more attractive new body. You are losing nothing – your new moderation and new habits mean that you are reducing your body’s weight and gaining what you truly desire – your ideal size, shape weight and condition. And it is happening so easily, you don’t have to worry about it. Your inner mind is taking on the entire project and doing whatever healthy things your need to reduce weight and gain your goals.

Your mind is automatically banning all thoughts about dieting. It is important that you develop a new habit now; your new habit is that you always eat all that your body needs need. Your inner mind is powerfully matching your hunger to what your body needs. Remember that naturally slim people never go on a diet. Slim people eat all they want. Slim people do well. Slim, attractive people say, “I eat all I want and I don’t gain an ounce.” You are now becoming a slim person. Your subconscious mind is busy building your new body according to your goals.

Visualize yourself as the slim, attractive person; the slim, healthy, attractive person that you soon will be.  Pause 10 seconds

Watch yourself as you say the very same thing. I ear all I want, all the food that my body needs, and I don’t gain an ounce. As you begin to talk, think and act like a slim, healthy, attractive person, you soon become one.

Each time you are tempted to eat or drink anything that you know your body doesn’t need, you say “no” and you stick by it, because the rewards of becoming slimmer are more important to you than eating the wrong foods. The rewards of being slender, stronger, healthier and more attractive, are more important to you than eating foods that you know are wrong for you.

Every time you use any relaxation or weight reduction recording, and every time you relax your body these positive and beneficial suggestions get stronger and stronger.  Every time you visualize yourself in your new, attractive, slender body, these suggestions grow ten times stronger, and your body automatically sheds pounds and melts off fat at the perfect, safe and healthy speed for you. Every breath you breathe causes your powerful inner mind to magnify and strengthen the suggestions on this recording, and to lock them into the most powerful part of your mind where they simply become the way things are for you. And now it is time to return to the outer world, bringing all your powerful, exciting new thoughts, feelings and actions out with you.

Weight Reduction 2: Achieving the Ideal Self

As you relax more deeply with each and every gentle, rhythmic breath, each breath causes your inner mind to be open to and accepting of all the positive, beneficial ideas on this recording. Each beat of your heart causes your mind to reinforce these positive and beneficial ideas powerfully, and to permanently manifest them in your outer life, leading you to rapidly achieve your goal of reaching and maintaining your ideal size, shape, weight and condition. Your subconscious mind can think a thousand times deeper and faster than I can talk, so while you listen to this recording, your inner mind is racing far ahead of my voice and doing whatever things are necessary within for you to achieve your goal weight.

As you relax more deeply, imagine a beautiful room, a room deep within your inner mind. The room is richly furnished with comfortable furniture. The colors are your favorite colors. One wall is all windows, looking out over the most beautiful view you can imagine. On another wall, there is an incredible full-length mirror, framed in rich woods and gold. On another wall, there is a very powerful computer, and control panel. This room is your special place. It is a place where you always feel comfortable and at peace. It is a room where you can go to be yourself fully and freely.

As you gaze into your mirror, and see yourself, you have a profound new thought that comes from your deepest mind. You realize, that your body, as it is in this moment, is a miracle and a marvel. Your body literally allows you to live in the physical world. Without your incredible body, you couldn’t be alive today. It is true that your body might weigh more than you would like it to, but that does not make it a bad body. Your body is a marvelous creation of God and nature. And you appreciate it as the complex and wonderful home it is for your mind and soul. It is true that you would feel more attractive, healthier and stronger if your body was lighter, but that does not make your body bad. You love your body and all it does for you. As you reduce weight and move toward your ideal size, shape, weight and condition, you are not moving from a bad body to a good body. You are simply moving from one miraculous, marvelous, incredible body to one that is slimmer, lighter, stronger, healthier and more attractive. You realize that you love your body as it is and as it is changing. The more you appreciate this body and all it does for you, the faster it responds to your goal of being slender, healthy and strong.

The mirror in your special room is a magic mirror. If you wish to see your body at your ideal size, shape, weight and condition, all you have to do is ask your mirror to show you what you look like when you achieve your goal. Take a few moments now to ask your mirror to show you your body at its ideal and optimal size, shape, weight and condition. And as the image of yourself at your goal weight and size appears in the mirror, you take a few seconds to just bask in that image, and let yourself feel how good it feels to be at your goal weight.  (Pause 10 seconds)

Feel those good feelings of being at your best and healthiest, and tell your inner mind that this is the body you want it to build for you in the shortest healthy time possible. Instruct your inner mind to go wherever it needs to go and do whatever it needs to do, to merge you with your ideal image in the mirror. You can trust your inner mind to take over this entire project and help you achieve your goal rate as rapidly as is healthy for you, and to maintain you at your goal weight effortlessly.

Your inner mind accepts that your ideal image in the mirror is your real self. Feel how good that ideal self feels. Notice the positive ways that you think, feel and act when you are at your optimal, healthiest weight. Your inner mind is diving deep inside to help you achieve that ideal size, shape, weight and condition effortlessly. If your inner mind needs to change the way you think about food, it does so. If your inner mind needs to heal past injury for you to reduce weight, it does so. If your inner mind needs to change or speed up your metabolism to help you reduce weight, it does so.  If your subconscious needs to change the way foods taste, and what foods you want, it does so to help you achieve your goal. Your inner mind is now doing everything necessary for you to reduce weight and achieve your new attractive, healthy goal.

To help your inner mind understand what you want it to do even more fully, go over to the computer against the wall. This computer contains all the controls for your body. You click on a icon titled weight, and two control panels come up. One control panel is labeled “hunger” and one is labeled “metabolic rate”.

Beginning with the hunger control, you picture or imagine a slide bar. If your slide bar is up near the top of the column, it means that you are hungry for far more food than your body needs. It means you are eating for emotional reasons rather than a need for fuel. If your slide bar is down near the bottom of the column, it means that you are not hungry enough… you are starving and anorexic. If your slide bar is exactly in the middle, it means that your hunger, your desire to eat perfectly matches your body’s need for fuel. As you look at your hunger control panel, you see that your slide bar is above the centerline. Your desire to eat exceeds your body’s need for fuel. So to instruct your inner mind, you move the slide bar down with your mouse to the perfect middle position, and then set is a couple of percentage points below the perfect center position. And you hit the “lock” command so that your hunger control never rises above the center point again. You have just given your inner mind an instruction to do whatever healthy thing it takes to make sure that in every moment you are only hungry for 2 or 3 percent less food than your body needs. The instant you achieve your goal weight, this control moves up to the perfect center point and stays there.

Next, you go to the metabolic rate control. Your metabolic rate measures how fast your body’s cells are burning fuel to make energy. If your slide bar is set way too high, it means that your cells are burning fuel far to quickly… you are feverish, and hyper. If the slide is way too low, it means that your cells are not making enough energy… you are sluggish and exhausted all the time. If your slide is in the perfect center position, it means your cells are burning fuel just fast enough to give you the energy you need, without even a bit left over… You notice that your slide bar for the metabolic rate control has been set below the center. Your cells are not burning fuel fast enough to give your body the energy it needs. You slide the control bar up to the center position, and then nudge it up just another couple of percentage points. Not all the way up to the top, just a couple of points above center. And you hit the lock command so that your metabolic rate never goes below the center point again. You have just given your inner mind an instruction to do whatever healthy thing it takes in your mind and body to make sure that in every moment, your cells are producing 2 to 3 percent more energy than you need… So that you have a cushion of extra energy to call on all the time.

Notice that you have just set your body so that you are burning fuel slightly faster than your body needs energy, and so that you are hungry for slightly less fuel than your body needs to make that energy. You have just created a 4 to 6 percent gap. Your body fills that gap by burning off your stored fat. Fat is just stored up energy for our bodies. When your body needs to use stored fat for energy, the fat leaves the storage cells, and enters your blood stream. The fat is carried to the liver, where it is converted into glycogen, the actual fuel your cells burn. Then the blood stream carries the fat out to your cells to be metabolized into energy. But your liver has two choices about what to do with that unnecessary fat. First, it can turn the fat into glycogen for your cells to burn. And second, your liver can simply dump some of that excess fat through your gallbladder and common bile duct into your large intestine, and out of your body as waste. Your liver is now doing both things with the extra fat. Some of it is being turned into fuel, and drop-by-drop, some of that fat is simply being dumped out of your body.

Fat is an incredibly rich fuel, so you find it burning off, and dumping off in a steady, gradual manner. You are burning off and dumping off between one and three pounds of useless excess body fat each and every week. The more you exercise, the faster the fat burns off and dumps away. You reduce your fat by between 1 and 3 pounds every week. Such gradual reduction is steady, healthy and permanent.

Now return from your body control computer back to your beautiful room and mirror. Look again at your ideal self in the mirror. Every time you visit your mirror and picture your body at its healthiest optimal size, shape, weight and condition, you are merging yourself with that new image and reinforcing all the positive things your inner mind is doing to help you reach your goal. Every time you appreciate your marvelous body, as it is as well as how it is changing, you increase the speed of your changes. You love and appreciate your body and all that it does for you more and more with every day.

Relax more deeply, just appreciating your body as it is becoming slimmer and healthier. Notice that you are eating good food, and are totally satisfied by the food you eat. There is always enough food for you, and always enough of the right foods for you. There is plenty of food and your mind throws out any need to store excess fuel as fat, because there is always enough food for you. You never need to store fuel as excess fat again. There is always enough for you.

Extra fat has been a burden for your body, and your body feels great as you let the fat melt away. The fat changes to energy and burns away. The fat dumps out of your body through excretion, and it feels so good to be getting rid of unnecessary fat. Picture or imagine the fat melting off your body. It feels great to watch it melt away.

As the fat melts away, it feels better and better to move and exercise your body. You move and exercise far more than before. Movement creates strong, dense, slenderizing muscle cells that further use up the fat reserves. Movement causes the metabolic rate to rise and stay up. You are finding exercise and movement that you enjoy, and it feels good knowing that every movement you make burns energy and contributes to reaching your goal.

You are changing your whole body and your whole feeling to a wonderful sense of wellbeing. You eat sensibly, get plenty of exercise and drink adequate liquids to always make you feel healthy, lean, trim and attractive. You love yourself and appreciate yourself more and more with every passing day. Your own inner knowledge becomes the most important thing to you. Your opinion of yourself is based only on your inner awareness. And the opinions of anyone else about you are meaningless unless they reinforce your inner feelings of being wonderful, precious, talented, valuable, skilled, attractive and kind.

You reduce weight steadily every week. You are slim and shapely. The excess weight is melting off you, just melting away and disappearing. You are burning it off and excreting it off. You have a stronger feeling every day that you are in complete control of your eating habits. You picture yourself becoming slim, strong, healthy and attractive. Go back to your mirror and imagine your new, strong, shapely, attractive, healthy body, and know that it is a vehicle for the proud, wonderful, bright being that you are. You can visit your inner room any time you like, simply by closing your eyes and imagining it. And every time you picture your ideal self in the inner mirror, the suggestions on this recording get a hundred times more powerful, and become the truth for you.

Every time you visit your inner mirror of truth, and every time you listen to any of your self-hypnosis recordings, your inner mind accelerates and magnifies your progress toward your ideal and optimal size, shape, weight and condition. If all these suggestions are acceptable to you, simply continue breathing… just as you are. And as you breathe gently, magnifying and reinforcing all your new and positive changes, take another moment to visit your inner mirror, identifying even more fully with your ideal self. You know that your inner mind is taking over this entire project for you… doing whatever healthy things are necessary in your mind and body, to help you reach your goal. Just picture the body you are merging with, and feel the good feelings of success. 

Pause 10 seconds

Great work! And now it is time to return with me to this time and place, bringing out with you all the powerful, exciting inner changes in thoughts, feelings and behavior that guarantee you merging into your ideal body in the fastest healthy time possible for you.

Weight Reduction 3: Ideal Self

Picture and imagine a beautiful room. It has a rich, soft carpet and comfortable furniture. There is a big window with beautiful, plush curtains. It is such a comfortable room and you feel so welcome and peaceful here.

This is your special room where you are always free to be at peace and be yourself. You let your eyes drift up toward the window, and you feel a desire to look out. But for now it is just too much effort. You know that the beautiful world outside your inner sanctuary is ready for you, but for now, you just let yourself rest and dream. And as you do, your mind drifts back to a time when you tried to reduce weight… but you couldn’t, or you couldn’t keep it off. How many times have you tried and failed? You wonder why this is, that a person with your skill, wisdom and ability should try and fail. And it comes to you in a flash that the answer is that you were trying. When we try to do something, it implies that we expect to fail. So when you try to reduce weight, you do just that, you try.

But all that is changing now, and it is changing because you have decided to just do it. You are finished with trying forever. From now on, you simply do what you set out to do. That is all there is to it. You mentally, spiritually and physically set out to be the person you were always meant to be. You are a wonderful, unique, one-of-a-kind human being and you have a right to happiness and a body that works for you… a body that is slender, strong, healthy and attractive. And you live in a universe that supports you and is on your side. You enjoy life more and more every day as you move toward your inner desire… a body at its ideal, healthiest size, shape, weight and condition.

Picture and imagine yourself at your very optimal best size, shape, weight and condition… not how anyone else wants you to be, but how you truly want to be at your very healthy best… Slimmer, healthier, lighter, fitter. Notice how you look and feel at your very best. Notice what you are wearing, and how everything you wear fits so well on your ideal body.

Imagine and feel your flat tummy… your arms, thighs and legs toned and slim. Feel the smile on your attractive face. You are smiling because you look good and feel good in the body that is perfect for you. You take your image of the perfect body for you deep into your inner mind. And your inner mind now accepts your picture of the perfect body as the real you. Your inner mind is now doing everything necessary for you to achieve and maintain your ideal body in the fastest healthy time possible for you. Your happiness grows with every day and is complete as you allow yourself to become slimmer, lighter and healthier in every way. You are a superb human being with a strong mind and an unbreakable determination to achieve your goal of an ideal size, shape, weight, and condition body… becoming the person you were destined to be.

As you continue to imagine your ideal self, imagine moving further and further away from your old heavy self… moving right out the door and into that beautiful natural garden outside your special room. It’s so incredibly beautiful out here… the grass is fresh and green, the flowers in full bloom, the trees shady and elegant. You are wearing clothing that perfectly complements your slender, healthy body. And it feels so good to move more freely than you have in so long. You let yourself become one with your slim, strong, healthy self out in your beautiful garden. Just imagine melting and merging into your ideal self. You have left the heavy blanket of fat and the unflattering clothing behind. And you are totally at one with your slender self. And that new self you have become is radiating a beautiful light from within, because this is the real you, which has been locked up inside, waiting to be set free. The slender you has been trying to get out for a long time. And since you no longer try, but just do, your slender, healthy and strong self is free. You are that slender, ideal size, shape, weight and condition. This ideal body is the real you. And you are manifesting your new inner reality in the outer world in the fastest healthy way possible for you. Every day you are moving closer and closer to your ideal image, your perfect self.

Take a deep breath in, and go deeper as you exhale… breathe in…and out… in… and out… Notice how much more free you feel out here, in your perfect and ideal body. In this relaxed and wonderful state, your inner mind is open to new ideas. You now let go of those extra, unnecessary pounds of useless fat. You now adapt new and positive ways of eating and thinking and acting. Your inner mind accepts that the new, slender you is the real you. And your inner mind is doing everything necessary to bring your new inner reality into the outer world. You are amazed that you want less food and that you want healthier foods. You are amazed that you are eating less and enjoying it ten times more. You are amazed that you are moving your body and exercising more. And you are enjoying the movement ten times as much as before.  You are amazed and delighted that the pounds are melting off you steadily and gradually. And every day you feel stronger, healthier, slimmer and more attractive. Every time you listen to any of your self-hypnosis recordings, you relax much more deeply, much more quickly. And your inner mind accepts and reinforces all the positive ideas at deeper and deeper levels. You are healthier, stronger and more energetic… more relaxed and less concerned. You take things as they come and you know that life is ultimately on your side. Every day, you feel fitter, slimmer and more attractive.

If all these positive ideas about achieving your deepest desire of a slim, healthy body are acceptable to your inner mind, you simply continue breathing… just as you are. And every breath you breathe causes your inner mind to replay these suggestions inside, and make them more and more powerful for you. It is so good to know that your inner mind is taking over the entire project for you, and you don’t even have to think about it a lot. The changes are simply happening. Your inner mind never tries, it simply does. And your inner mind is doing every healthy thing necessary for you to achieve your ideal size, shape, weight and condition in the fastest healthy time possible for you.

Now just take moment to return to the garden, and my voice will be silent while you simply enjoy the feelings of being at your ideal size, shape, weight and condition. And your inner mind studies those feelings and does whatever healthy things are necessary for those positive feelings to become your outer feelings permanently. That moment of silence begins now.

 (Pause 30 seconds)

Return to my voice, knowing that you can visit this garden any time you like. And you can feel the feelings of your ideal self any time you like, just by closing your eyes in a safe place and imagining being there as your ideal self. And every time you imagine the garden, simply being in the garden causes your inner mind to magnify all the positive and beneficial ideas on the recording a thousand times over.

Weight Reduction 4: Eat Less and Enjoy it More

As you rest and drift in your beautiful meadow, each breath you breathe causes you to relax more deeply. And the deeper you relax, the more your inner mind is open to, and accepting of, the ideas on this recording. Each beat of your heart causes your powerful inner mind to study the message of this recording, and to lock your new understanding into the deepest part of your mind where it becomes a permanent part of your new reality as a person who is reducing weight and gaining all good things… health, slenderness, attractiveness and fitness.

And as you let the peace of the meadow just sink into your being, your outer mind begins to float and drift, almost dream-like, as you relax ever more deeply, and your powerful inner mind is doing all the work. Your outer conscious mind is welcome to listen to everything on the recording, but your outer mind doesn’t have to do any work. This is a time for your vast and amazing inner mind to listen and make the changes that lead you to your goal. Just drifting, dream-like. Floating like a cloud. Floating like a down feather drifting down into the deepest, most receptive relaxation ever.

And as you float deeper, like a cloud in the clear sky… like a downy feather floating in the sunlight… I want to tell your inner mind a story. And as your inner mind hears the story and gets the message within it, the entire process of reducing weight becomes a thousand times more simple and automatic as your inner mind does whatever healthy thing it needs to do so that you achieve your ideal size, shape and weight effortlessly, without even having to think about it.

The story is about a 6 year-old child and a parent… just ordinary people like you. The child comes into the house one day and says: “I want a snack, please, I want 20 cookies!”

And the parent, after thinking about the request for a moment, responds: “20 cookies would not be good for you, but you can certainly have one cookie and it will be great.”

And now it is the child’s turn to think for a moment. Eyes closed, the 6 year-old concentrates hard and clearly there is deep thinking going on. At length, the eyes come open and the little one says: “OK, that’s just wonderful… I’ll take one.”  The child sits down at the table with a cookie on a plate. The cookie gets picked up and sniffed. The child looks at the designs on it, studies its color and feels its texture. The little one puts the cookie back on the plate and just stares at it for a bit. The cookie gets picked up and stroked between thumb and forefinger. A small crumb has broken off, and the child picks it up and gently puts it on the tip of a stuck out tongue. A big smile happens as the tongue goes back in with that crumb. The child sits very still and lets that first taste fill every corner of the mouth and every taste bud. At last, with a look of pleasure and contentment, the child swallows that first crumb down. And then pauses for a bit, studying the cookie again. Gently picking the cookie up, the child takes a tiny nibble, gnawing off one small piece of the cookie and the same process happens. You can see the joy as the little one teases every bit of taste and pleasure from that little nibble.

Before the next bite, the child takes the cookie and inhales its marvelous aroma. The parent stares in wonder watching the little one taking so much enjoyment from a simple cookie. Then comes another nibbling bite, and the rest of the cookie gets put down on the plate. The parent watches, fascinated, as the child rolls the tiny bite around… tastes it on different parts of the tongue…feels its texture… feels it dissolve slowly in waves of wonderful taste… and at last, after getting every possible bit of pleasure from that bite, swallows it down. The parent is amazed as the child stares at the cookie on the plate for a good half minute more before even picking it up again. Then comes another tiny, tiny bite and total concentration on that bite. The process goes on, bite after tiny, delicious bite, until the cookie is nothing but a few crumbs on the plate 20 minutes later. And the child takes another 10 minutes to eat those crumbs, one by delicious, pleasurable one.

At length, the child sits back with a look of utter satisfaction and contentment. With a deep breath, and a long sighing exhale, the child says to the parent: “you were right… that was the very best thing I have ever eaten.”

And your subconscious mind, listening to this story and concentrating as deeply as the child, remembers something that you forgot to remember. If a six year-old child automatically gets the idea of eating less and enjoying it more, surely you, with your powerful and skilled adult mind can remember and apply the knowledge as well.

You are eating less now and enjoying it more. Because you focus on the goodness of each food you eat in the moment, you are enjoying new foods as well. Your desire to eat is in perfect balance with your body’s need for food. You only eat when you feel hungry and you only feel hungry when your body needs fuel. You only want the foods that your body needs for fuel and only the amount of food that your body needs. You eat whatever you want, but your inner mind is changing what you want so that you only want the kind and amount of food that is healthy for your body. And every day, for the rest of your long, healthy, slender life, you are eating less, and enjoying it so much more. You eat whatever you want and you choose not to eat everything you could possibly want. You are in total control of your eating, and you enjoy your food so much more. And you need so much less to be fully satisfied. You eat small bites, chew thoroughly and relish every bit of flavor in your food. And as soon as you have eaten enough to fuel your body, all desire to eat just fades away.

Now allow all these powerful ideas and suggestions to lock into place in the most powerful parts of your being where they become your new truths. If these ideas and suggestions are acceptable to you, you simply continue breathing… just as you are. And every breath causes your mind to strengthen and reinforce these new thoughts, feelings and behaviors over and over and millions of times over, making them totally true for you. These new ideas are the way things are for you.  And now, it is time to return to your normal state of awareness, bringing all the new thoughts, feelings and ways of being out to the world with you.

Weight Reduction 5: The Road of Life for Excess Weight

You are listening to this recording because you have a powerful and important goal in life. You want to achieve and maintain the ideal, best and healthiest weight for you. In your self-talk, you probably think of yourself as having a weight problem. The goals of this recording are to dissolve away your weight problem, and allow your powerful subconscious mind to set you firmly on the road to the slender, healthy, strong, attractive body that is your birthright.

I would like you now to imagine that your weight problem was an object that you can see or feel… a heavy burden that you have been carrying for far too long. That object can be whatever makes sense to you… a boulder, a backpack, a can of worms, a symbolic shape, or any object that symbolizes the weight problem in your mind. Your weight problem object symbolizes not just the excess weight itself, but all the causes of the problem whether you are conscious of them or not. The object symbolizes all the habits that contribute to the weight problem, all the harm and emotional burden the excess weight causes you, and anything else that goes with the excess weight. In short, the object symbolizes your entire problem with weight, and all its roots and ramifications. Just allow your mind to picture and imagine the object that stands for the entire weight problem in your mind. (Pause 10 seconds)

And as your inner mind imagines an object that represents the weight problem, let yourself study that object. Notice its color and notice how heavy it is. Be aware of its shape and its texture. You may not know why this object symbolizes the weight problem to your mind, but your inner mind understands perfectly. Above all, be aware of what a burden that object has been to you, and be aware of how long you have carried it, dragged or pushed it with you through your life. (Pause 2-3 seconds)

Now imagine your life as if it were a road… a long, beautiful winding road … a road that extends as far as you can see or imagine… from long before your time here to long after.  And you are standing on a place on the road of your life marked “today.” You are carrying or dragging your weight problem object with you. And you realize how much more you would enjoy this journey of life if you didn’t have this big weight problem to carry every step of the way. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!

Put the weight problem object down… let go of that weight object. Just set your weight problem down on the side of the road and let it take care of itself for a while. As you set the symbolic object down, you are setting your entire weight problem down. All its harm, damage, causes and effects … just letting them go for a while.

And notice how light it feels to let go of the problem, to just put it down. You feel so light and free that you could just float up like a helium balloon. Now that you are free of that heavy burden, just let yourself float up, floating up so high that you begin to see the entire road of your life spread out down below you… So high you can’t make out the specifics of any given day… You just see the road of life spreading out beneath you.  Floating so high that you touch your own soul and you remember that the road of life never begins and never ends… It may transform at those places we call birth or death, but life never ends. And as you float up so high, you feel a feeling of continuity… a feeling of being held in the arms of something far larger than you are. You remember something precious… a sense of pure being. And you just float in that feeling of pure being… relaxing more deeply with every breath (Pause 10 seconds)

And as you float so peacefully, you look down on the road of your life, at today. And you see that the weight object is nothing more than a tiny little speck, smaller than a period at the end of a sentence, so very far beneath you… And the time has come to remove that problem from your life forever.

I know that just a short way ahead on the road of your life, you have resolved your weight problem, and completely removed the weight object from the road of your life. I don’t know exactly how far ahead that time is, but I know the time when you have totally resolved your weight problem and let it go is just a little way ahead.

You can time travel into your own future to the place where the weight problem is gone. You do it by floating forward above the road of your life. Just float forward looking down, until you are over the place where that miserable weight object is totally gone. It is just a little way ahead, so just float forward until you are over the place where the object and all it represents have vanished from the road of your life.

And as you float so high over place where your weight problem is gone, I want you to meet your own future self… the wise, accomplished you who lives up ahead where the weight problem is totally gone. Imagine floating down now, toward the road. It feels so good to float down to a place where the object and all it represents, is gone forever.

And your future self… the aspect of yourself who lives in your future where the weight problem is gone… your future self is waiting for you. Your visit is expected. It is your future after all, and your future self is expecting your visit. And notice how your future self greets you. It is with one hundred percent pure love and acceptance of everything you are, as you are, in this moment. Your future self cannot even exist without you being exactly who you are now. So your wise future self accepts you fully just as you are in this moment. Open your heart and let those good feelings of total acceptance of every part of you, including your body, flow into you now. And realize that these are the feelings you were always meant to feel for yourself and every part of yourself.

Notice how good your future self looks with a light, slender, strong, healthy and attractive body… the body that is your goal. Notice how well your future self’s clothing fits and how well your future self moves. Be aware of the air of strength, confidence and self-esteem you have in the near future. This is the real you, just the way God and nature intended you to be.  Ask your future self: “How does it feel to be me, just a little way up here in the future where the weight problem is totally resolved.” And the answer is that it feels good, incredibly good to be you just a little way ahead in a lighter, slender future. Open your heart again, and let all those good feelings of being you in the future fill you now. And give your powerful inner mind the instruction to do whatever it needs to do to make those good feelings, and that lighter, more wonderful body yours permanently.

Now ask your future self to give you any clues, hints or instructions that will help you get to that future self and that ideal body even more quickly. I will be quiet for a moment while you ask your wise future self for your own deepest guidance… asking what you most need to know today so that you reach your goal even more quickly. You may be consciously aware of the answers. But your future self also communicates a vast amount of information with your inner mind at the speed of thought…. (Pause 20 seconds)

Returning to my voice, your inner mind takes everything that your future self communicated, and locks it into place in the most powerful part of your mind, where it becomes the truth for you. You find yourself moving toward your future self and all those good feelings even more quickly. And your powerful inner mind is doing every healthy thing necessary for you to achieve your ideal size, shape, weight and condition in the fastest healthy time possible. You cooperate with your inner mind by taking your wise advice from the future seriously, and acting upon it. In each and every day, in every way, your inner mind is totally focused on doing every healthy thing necessary for you to achieve your slender goals in the fastest time possible.

As you float back now, to the present, you realize that the weight object is already fading away. Your subconscious mind is already dissolving away the causes of the weight problem. Your inner mind is resolving mistakes about food, changing tastes, healing emotions, and finding creative solutions for stress of any kind. Guided by your inner mind, you are freeing yourself of the mistakes and errors of the past. And you are entering a healthy new future with a healthy, natural relationship with food and your body. And above all, you are entering the future with a new lightness of being… with a deep and growing appreciation of the miracle of your being.

If these ideas and thoughts are acceptable to your inner mind, you simply continue breathing… just as you are. And every breath you breathe causes your inner mind to resolve and dissolve away your weight problem, and to reinforce and strengthen every positive and beneficial thing you have taken from this recording. You are lighter of heart, lighter of mind, lighter of spirit and lighter of body with every breath you breathe.

And now it is time to return to the outer world. Be aware that you can visit your future self and feel the good feelings that are waiting just up ahead any time you want. All you have to do is close your eyes in a safe place, imagine floating forward on the road of your life, and your wise future self is always present for you. You can visit your future self, either by using this recording, or by simply closing your eyes and thinking about the road of your life. And every time you visit your future self, enjoying the new body that is waiting just up ahead, your inner mind magnifies and accelerates your journey to that light and slender future a hundred times.

Weight Reduction 6: Virtual Gastric Bypass

As you relax more deeply with every breath you breathe, each breath causes your powerful inner mind to be open to and to implement every positive and beneficial idea on this recording. Every beat of your heart causes your inner mind to magnify, multiply and reinforce all the positive ideas on this recording, over and over and thousands of times over, locking these positive ideas and suggestions deep into the deepest part of the subconscious mind, and doing whatever healthy things it takes to implement them into your life.

Your subconscious mind understands your deep desire to reduce your body’s weight and to gain health, energy, slenderness and attractiveness. Show your subconscious mind your inner image of yourself at your ideal size, shape, weight and condition. And once again, share with your subconscious mind how deeply you want to achieve that lighter, more slender, healthier and more attractive body. And as you share your goal weight and body picture with your inner mind, your inner mind renews its determination to do whatever healthy things it takes to bring that ideal body into your life. Because that ideal body represents you at your natural best. Your ideal size, shape, weight and condition are the body you were always meant to have… strong, slender, healthy and attractive. And your inner mind is renewing its determination to do whatever healthy things it takes to bring that ideal body into being for you.

That means that your inner mind is changing the foods you want, so that you only want the foods and the amount of food that help you attain and maintain your ideal body. Your inner mind is changing your appetite so that you only feel hungry when your body needs food. Your subconscious mind is changing your sense of portions, so that you want less food at every meal, and feel completely satisfied and full. Your inner mind is stimulating you to exercise, and is raising your metabolic rate so that your body is becoming a lean, fat burning body. Your creative inner mind is finding powerful new ways for you to heal the past and deal with difficult emotions so that all emotional eating fades from your life forever. Your inner mind is doing everything necessary for you to reduce weight and it is doing all those things automatically so that you don’t even have to think about them consciously. Every beat of your heart cause your inner mind to strengthen and magnify all the positive new things it is doing to help you reduce and maintain weight. The rest of this recording is about another tool that your inner mind can use to help you.

You are aware that some people have become so desperate to reduce weight that they have undergone a difficult and dangerous surgical procedure called a gastric bypass. That is an operation where most of the stomach and some of the small intestine are surgically removed so that the body can only eat and digest small amounts of food at a time. The surgery has been very effective at helping people reduce weight, but it comes with a number of negative consequences.  A small proportion of people die from the surgery. People whose stomach and intestines have been bypassed, are often unable to absorb vitamins, minerals and other important nutrients, so they have to be on very expensive supplements for the rest of their lives, and frequently suffer nutritional deficiencies. And, since most of the surgical clients don’t do anything about

why they are overweight, the mind adapts to the surgery and up to half of the weight reduction from the surgery eventually comes back. In fact, there is only one positive unexpected benefit of the surgery, and that is that in many cases, it is a complete cure for type two diabetes. Gastric bypass surgery is an extreme and dangerous treatment for the problem of excess body weight.

You can choose not to have gastric bypass surgery. Using self-hypnosis, relaxation, stress relief and guided visualization, you are actually healing and eliminating the old reasons for being overweight. And that lets you take advantage of a wonderful truth to create a virtual gastric bypass that is totally safe, totally effective, and that has no negative side effects. The wonderful truth is that in the realm of your subconscious mind, there is no difference between what you imagine, and what is real. That means that your inner mind can give you all the benefits of gastric bypass surgery with none of the unwanted side effects, using the power of your incredible imagination.

Imagine your stomach. It is a beautiful, powerful hollow organ made of muscle and digestive enzyme producing cells. A normal stomach is just a little larger than the size of your loosely closed fist, and the stomach muscles are stretchy and flexible. Your stomach mixes your food with enzymes that break it down and make it ready to go into your duodenum, the first 12 inches of your small intestine. The duodenum is where approximately 90% of the nutrients your body needs are absorbed… including energy molecules, proteins, vitamins and minerals. In a gastric bypass surgery, most of the stomach and most of the duodenum are cut away. That means that the stomach can only hold a few tablespoons full of food or liquid at a time, and most of your body’s capacity to absorb nutrients in the small intestine is removed. A real gastric bypass surgery is extreme and dangerous, and should only be used in the most life threatening cases. But your powerful inner mind can imagine and create a selective, virtual gastric bypass that gives you all the benefits of the surgery with none of the negative consequences.

Picture and imagine your beautiful stomach, connecting to the first 12 inches of your small intestine, your duodenum. Now imagine your powerful inner mind performing a very delicate inner surgery. It works like this.

When you drink healthy liquids, like water, or sugar free coffee or tea, your stomach is its normal size, and your duodenum is fully operational, so that you can drink however much you want of healthy liquids. But if you drink unhealthy liquids, like sugary soda, sugar laden drinks, or beverages containing alcohol, your stomach and intestines immediately act as if they have been bypassed, and you feel totally full and very uncomfortable after only a couple of tablespoons full of those less healthy beverages.

When you eat, if you eat food that is high in vitamins, nutrients, fiber and proteins, your stomach is its normal size, and your duodenum absorbs nutrients throughout its entire 12 inches. But when you eat foods that are high in refined sugars, refined carbohydrates, excess fats and excess calories, your stomach feels small, bypassed and full after only a couple of spoons full. And your duodenum acts as if it has been bypassed and simply does not absorb the excess sugars, starches and fats. You feel totally full, and totally unable to eat more than just a couple of tablespoons full of those excess and empty calorie foods. That means you are drawn to healthy foods. You feel great eating lean protein foods, leafy greens and high fiber whole grains. You enjoy vegetables of all kinds. And your stomach can easily hold as much of the good foods as your body needs for energy and essential nutrients. And your entire duodenum effortlessly absorbs the vitamins, proteins, minerals and energy foods your body needs.

But when you try to eat refined starches, sugars and excess fats, your stomach feels totally full after just a couple of bites, and your stomach feels instantly full after just a couple of tablespoons, the equivalent of perhaps three French fries. And your duodenum shuts down its first 7 inches or so, just as if most of your stomach and duodenum had been surgically bypassed.

Picture and imagine your amazing stomach and duodenum acting in this exciting new way. They are totally normal, and they effortlessly digest and absorb healthy calories and all the essential nutrients and fluids you need to live. Imagine eating a meal of nutritious lean proteins, vegetables, whole grains and other nutritious foods. Imagine watching your stomach and duodenum mixing, digesting and absorbing the perfect amounts of calories, vitamins, minerals, proteins and fluids to keep you maximally healthy, and to give your body all the energy it needs. See the wonderful, rhythmic actions of your stomach and small intestine as they digest and absorb healthy, nutritious foods. Just imagine it happening, knowing that your inner mind already knows the perfect nutrients for you.

Now watch what happens when you eat too many calories, or things made up of refined starches, sugars and excess fat, or unhealthy beverages. Your stomach and duodenum act as if you have had a gastric bypass. Your stomach feels totally full, and unable to hold another bite after just a few tablespoons full of unhealthy foods, and unhealthy beverages. And your duodenum acts as if it has been bypassed when excess starches, sugars, fats and alcohol enter it.  A little of those things won’t hurt you, so you can enjoy a couple of bites of chocolate cake or a couple of sips of beer. But any more than a few bites or sips of those less healthy things makes you feel totally full and you just can’t hold another bite or sip. And your duodenum simply refuses to recognize excess sugars, starches alcohol or fats.

And it is totally amazing, because your powerful inner mind is creating exactly what you are imagining. You are automatically feeling totally full with far less food and with far healthier food. Your inner mind is creating this virtual gastric bypass for you, and you don’t even have to consciously think about it. You just notice that you are able to eat all the healthy food your body needs. And you notice that less healthy foods fill you after just a couple of bites. You know your duodenum is absorbing all the nutrients you need because you are completely healthy and full of energy. And you know your duodenum is now bypassing and refusing to absorb empty calories and excess starches and fats because the excess fat is melting off your body.

You feel absolutely wonderful. You are effortlessly reducing weight and maintaining your ideal size, shape, weight and condition without even

 having to think about it. It is as if you have received a very special, selective bypass that gives your body everything it needs, and rejects everything else as waste. You are reducing weight and gaining strength, slenderness, health and attractiveness. And one very positive result of your virtual bypass is that your body is becoming healthier in every way. Your blood sugar levels are becoming normal and stable. Your cholesterol and triglyceride levels are stabilizing and moving into healthy ranges for you. Your body gets all the nutrients you need to be slender, healthy, strong and attractive. And your body simply discards the rest. Your body is becoming a lean, fat burning body and in each and every day, you are becoming more slender and healthy in every way.

Your inner mind takes a moment to review every positive idea on this recording… (Pause 15 seconds)… And your inner mind integrates every positive and beneficial idea on this recording deep into itself where these positive and beneficial ideas become true for you. For your inner mind there is no difference between what you imagine and reality. And as your inner mind imagines a healthy, selective, virtual gastric bypass; it simply becomes true for you. Your inner mind does all the work of creating this virtual bypass and you don’t even have to think about it consciously. All your conscious mind has to do is notice that you eat and digest all the healthy foods you need. But that you are totally full and totally unable to eat or digest less healthy foods and beverages. Every beat of your heart reinforces your new inner reality.

And now, it is time to take all the powerful and beneficial ideas on this recording and bring them into your outer world, completely renewed and changed inside.

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