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Free Hypnosis Script for Increased Self-confidence [PDF]

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Hypnosis Script for Increased Self-confidence
Free Hypnosis Script for Increased Self-confidence [PDF] $5.94 Original price was: $5.94.$2.97Current price is: $2.97.
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Remaining in this deep, focused state of relaxation, every breath you breath causes you to maintain and deepen this wonderful peaceful state even more. Your powerful inner mind is open and receptive to every positive and beneficial idea on this recording and every beat of your heart is a signal for your mind to accept, magnify and implement every positive, beneficial idea on the recording. The comforting sound of the recording causes you to relax more deeply and to reinforce and strengthen every positive idea on the recording, Just floating now, tranquil, in control, at peace and at rest, allowing the new to replace the old and useless, simply enjoying where you are, what you are and who you are. Totally at peace.

Your outer conscious mind rests and floats even deeper asleep with every breath while your vast and powerful inner mind does all the work of restoring you to your birthright as a self-confident and secure person. You allow your inner mind to review your life. And you direct your inner mind understand all the ways that self-doubt, anxiety and worry have impoverished you and stolen the success and joy from your life. You inform your deepest mind of your profound goal of leaving the self-doubts and fears behind, and living your life with the self-confidence to easily achieve success in every situation in life.

The first thing for your inner mind to understand is that self-doubt and fears about your ability are learned feelings. You were not born doubting and afraid… you had to learn those feelings. And as your subconscious mind knows, anything that it learned can be unlearned and replaced in the mind. Your natural state is to be confident and capable in every situation. Life never sends us anything we truly can’t handle. But life has an odd sense of humor. Life causes us to grow by sending us lots of things we don’t think we can handle until after we do. But the truth in every situation is that we have all we need, including the help of other people, to survive and thrive through everything life brings us.

Think about babies. They are not born full of self-doubt. Even though they are tiny, with limited movement, and brains that are far from completely grown, they are totally confident. A baby is confident that if it cries when it is hungry, food will come. Even though the baby has no language, it is confident that if it cries when it is wet or soiled, help will come and the baby will be changed. As the baby gets older, and is starting to walk, even though the baby falls, over and over, in the process of learning, the baby is totally confident that it can walk, and it keeps on trying… before you know it the baby is a toddler walking all over the place and getting into everything in the total confidence that the world is its playground.

And you were that confident baby. You were born with all the self-confidence you needed to try anything. You overcame doubts and worked miracles. When you were about three years old, you were learning, on average, five new words every day. Not just their meanings, but how to conjugate the verbs, how to make the words singular and plural, and above all, how to fit the words you learned into sentences with all the other words you knew so that you could express your thoughts. When you consider what a complex, amazing thing a language is, it truly is miraculous how you confidently and amazingly learned a language. What is even more amazing is that at the same time you were learning to talk, you were also learning very complex physical motions, you were learning about numbers and their meanings and you were learning an incredible set of social relationships about how you fit into your family and the larger world. You did all that with amazing natural confidence.

None of that could have happened unless you had the confidence to try any-thing, the perseverance to keep trying until you succeeded, and the courage to face down fears and do your best. That is the way you were born: confident, persistent and courageous. That is how you were meant to be all your life: confident, persistent, and courageous. And that strong, confident, persistent and courageous being is still alive within you. You had to learn to be anything other than strong, confident, persistent and courageous. You had to learn self-doubt. You had to learn to let fear control your life. And anything you can learn can be unlearned and replaced. And your subconscious mind is doing that relearning right NOW.

Deep in your mind, there is a special place. It is a schoolhouse, like an old time one-room school house that you may have seen in history books. It is red, with an actual bell in the front. Imagine that one-room schoolhouse in your mind right now. Picture it, imagine it or think about the schoolhouse and it is there for you. As you imagine it and as I count from 5 down to 1, you relax ten times more deeply and approach the schoolhouse more closely.

5… Realizing that this schoolhouse is where your mind learned its deepest lessons, you start walking toward it, relaxing 10 times more deeply and feeling so excited and ready to learn

4… Coming closer, and seeing a welcoming figure in the doorway, feeling a total trust in your welcome, and relaxing even more deeply in mind and body

3… Almost to the schoolhouse, and recognizing the figure in the doorway as your own deepest wisdom, the part of you who has never forgotten your amazing potentials and abilities

2… Stepping up onto the porch, and relaxing even more deeply, your inner mind totally ready to accept and act on what you learn here today

1… Greeting your teacher, and being greeted with the kindest, most radiant smile in return, you know you are in the right place, and you are so wonderfully relaxed and at the same time so incredibly excited about what you are about to learn.

Your inner wisdom, your teacher within, leads you inside, and the room is truly beautiful. There are student seats and a teacher’s desk. There are blackboards covering two walls, and shelves of books. There are science displays, maps, math diagrams and learning tools and toys of every sort … and you are amazed at all the things you have forgotten that you know. You feel a warm swelling of pride as you survey all the things you have learned … you are a talented and unlimited learning machine.

Your inner teacher, the wisest part of you, has a sad look. Your teacher points to the blackboard on the side wall. And on that blackboard, are written all your self-doubts and self-limitations: all the false things you have learned that limit your life, that cause you doubt, and that stop you from achieving your dreams. There are many of them: Some say things like: “I’m not enough… not good enough, not smart enough, not rich enough, not attractive enough and so on… a whole poisonous list of “I’m not enoughs”. Some of the negative things on the board are “I cants”: all the things you have falsely learned that you can’t have, do or be. Some of the things on your list are self-doubts… all the things you doubt: your strength, skills and abilities. Some of the poisonous things on the list are “there isn’t enoughs: there isn’t enough money… there isn’t enough love… there isn’t enough of what I need to achieve my dreams… etcetera, etcetera, yadda, yadda, yadda. What a poisonous load of baloney! It is no wonder your self-confidence has faded away when you are carrying such a load of false learned nonsense in your mind.

Your inner wisdom tells you the worst thing about all the baloney you learned is that it didn’t even come from you. Every bit of that nonsense was taught to you by someone else: parents, teachers, other kids, and authority figures of all kinds. That board contains every bit of self-doubting, fear inspiring, nonsense that you learned from others. It doesn’t even belong to you. And it is time to get rid of it forever. Your inner teacher hands you an eraser and says it is time to clear the nonsense off the board and out of your mind.

You take that eraser in your strong hands, and you begin to erase every bit of nonsense from the board. You begin with the “I’m not enoughs” and you erase every single vile way you have been taught to view yourself as insufficient and not enough… whether it involves abundance, skill, intelligence, appearance, or any other true characteristic, any idea that you are not enough is a miserable lie. And you erase it permanently from the depths of your mind. You follow up with the “I cants”… erasing everything you have been instructed is beyond you – and it feels so good to simply erase the “I’m not enoughs” and the “I can’ts” from your mind forever. Riding that wave of good feeling, you erase the self-doubts… whatever skills and talents you have been taught to doubt; you erase the poisonous doubt from your mind. And finally, feeling great, you erase the “there’s not enoughs” from the board. We live in abundant, infinitely creative universe, and any idea that there is not enough is a miserable lie that you erase with enthusiasm and joy.

Feeling incredibly light now, with the side board clear of the lies, you turn to the board in the front, and your inner teacher hands you a permanent marker. You see, on that board, incredible truths that had faded almost to nothing because your mind hadn’t been paying attention to them. And you begin to trace those truths over with your permanent marker so that you never forget them again. As your permanent marker traces each of these new truths, you realize they aren’t really new… they have just been temporarily hidden by that load of nonsense you erased. And now it is time for your new-slash-old truths to take their rightful place in your life and mind.

With courage and joyous expectation, you begin tracing your first truth in permanent marker. Your first new truth is this: “I am a child of God, a child of an infinite and creative universe, and I am, just as I am in this moment, enough, and far more than enough for God and my own soul”. And that new truth locks into your mind and grows stronger with every breath you breathe. “I am a child of God, a child of an infinite and creative universe, and I am, just as I am in this moment, enough, and far more than enough for God and my own soul”.

Feeling light and powerful, you trace the second new truth. It reads: “I always have whatever I need to succeed: resources, talents, wisdom and help. Life never sends me anything I truly can’t handle. Life may send me things I don’t think I can handle until after I do, but that is just how life encourages me to grow. I can handle anything life brings me. Every breath I breathe locks this truth into my deepest heart and mind where it is fully implemented”.

Listen again as the truth becomes permanent in your mind: “I always have whatever I need to succeed: resources, talents, wisdom and help. Life never sends me anything I truly can’t handle. Life may send me things I don’t think I can handle until after I do, but that is just how life encourages me to grow. I can handle anything life brings me. Every breath I breathe locks this truth into my deepest heart and mind where it is fully implemented”.

On a roll now, you rewrite your third new truth in permanent marker and it says: “I am courageous. Courage is not the absence of fear. Courage is feeling the fear and doing my best anyway. I am a courageous person. Simply to come into a physical body and live on the earth is an act of vast and incredible courage. I am a courageous person. And every beat of my heart increases my courage”

You hear it again and this new truth locks into your deepest mind forever: “I am courageous. Courage is not the absence of fear. Courage is feeling the fear and doing my best anyway. I am a courageous person. Simply to come into a physical body and live on the earth is an act of vast and incredible courage. I am a courageous person. And every beat of my heart increases my courage”

Feeling great, you continue tracing your fourth truth with permanent marker, never to be forgotten again: “ I am persistent and persevering. Edison said success is 10 percent inspiration and 90 percent perspiration… and I know what that means. I simply continue going with a vast persistence and all my strength until I reach my goals.”

Every sound in your ears causes this new truth to lock in and become absolutely true for you as you hear it again: I am persistent and persevering. Edison said success is 10 percent inspiration and 90 percent perspiration… and I know what that means. I simply continue going with a vast persistence and all my strength until I reach my goals.”

With joy, you write your fifth new truth: “I can do, accomplish or be whatever I set my mind on and work to achieve – all “I cants” are meaningless lies… I can be, do or have whatever I can dream or imagine, and I am a powerful dreamer and imaginer.”

And every breath makes this truth stronger and more powerful in your life as you hear it again. “I can do, accomplish or be whatever I set my mind on and work to achieve – all “I cants” are meaningless lies… I can be, do or have whatever I can dream or imagine, and I am a powerful dreamer and imaginer.”

Feeling a total transformation occurring within, you write the sixth new truth: “I live in an incredibly rich and abundant universe which provides me with everything I need to live a full and meaningful life. I lack for nothing, I dwell in the wealth of all creation, and there is more than enough to achieve my dreams. And each beat of my heart actualizes and strengthens this new truth in my outer life.”

As you hear it repeated, this new truth locks permanently into your inner mind and becomes the absolute truth for you. “I live in an incredibly rich and abundant universe which provides me with everything I need to live a full and meaningful life. I lack for nothing, I dwell in the wealth of all creation, and there is more than enough to achieve my dreams. And each beat of my heart actualizes and strengthens this new truth in my outer life.

And all the new truths are summarized with a seventh statement on the board. “In each and everyday, in every way and in every situation in life, I am confident, strong, persistent and courageous. And I am enough and far more than enough to meet any challenge in life and thrive.” Free of all doubts, your inner mind accepts these powerful renewed truths, and restores you to the birthright of confidence, strength, persistence and courage that you were born to live always.”

Listen again, and all seven new truths magnify themselves a thousand time and become totally true for you. “In each and everyday, in every way and in every situation in life, I am confident, strong, persistent and courageous. And I am enough and far more than enough to meet any challenge in life and thrive.” Free of all doubts, your inner mind accepts these powerful renewed truths, and restores you to the birthright of confidence, strength, persistence and courage that you were born to live always.”

If these new truths are acceptable to your mind, you simply continue breathing… just as you are. And every breath you breathe, and every beat of your heart, causes your inner mind to magnify, reinforce, strengthen and totally implement these new truths in your outer life. Your calm, confidence, persistence and courage lead you to achieve your many and worthy goals in life. And you know, with an unbreakable confidence that you are enough and more than enough to meet any situation in life and thrive.

You can visit your schoolhouse any time you like, either by listening to this recording, or simply by closing your eyes in a safe place, and picturing and imagining it. Any time you visit your schoolroom, whether with the recording, or in your own mind, every powerful and beneficial idea on the recording gets stronger and deeper. Every time you visit the schoolroom of the deepest mind, the old lies and nonsense erase further away. And the new truths multiply and grow so much stronger. The more you use this recording, the more powerfully your new truths actualize and manifest in your outer life. You come back to the outer world now, renewed, refreshed, and with a profound confidence that grows with every breath you breathe.

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This script has been crafted with love and formatted in a clear, organized layout, making it easy to read aloud for individuals or groups. It is suitable for personal and professional use, including YouTube videos and monetization, and for voiceover recordings.

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You can use them to lead sessions for individuals or groups, record audio and video versions to share online or sell, or even create your own courses. And if you prefer to keep things private, they’re perfect for your personal practice too. Just remember: these PDF files are for your use only and cannot be resold or rebranded without permission.

Of course! Feel free to customize the language and make it your own so you can confidently guide others in a way that feels natural to you. Just remember, don’t resell the PDF files as they are or with your own branding.

Our scripts can range in length from just 5 minutes to a maximum of 45-60 minutes, depending on the script you purchase and how much silence you’d like in between sections. We believe in giving you the freedom to choose what works best for you.

Our scripts are available in a beautifully designed and easy-to-read format as separate PDF files. They are hassle-free to follow and understand. You are absolutely free to record audio or videos using the scripts and monetize them. Let your creativity soar!

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