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Free 3 x Hypnosis Scripts for Reversing Diabetes [PDF]

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Free 3 x Hypnosis Scripts for Reversing Diabetes [PDF] $17.82 Original price was: $17.82.$5.94Current price is: $5.94.
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Diabetes #1

As you allow yourself to float and drift into a deep and mentally receptive state, every breath you take causes you to relax more deeply, and every breath you take causes your powerful inner mind to be receptive to, and to act upon every positive and beneficial idea on the recording.

You have chosen a positive new path, the path of health and wellbeing. You have chosen the path of freedom from diabetes. Your inner mind is now aligning with your goal of returning to total health. And you are aware that you are embarking on an exciting series of changes in your desires, appetites and behaviors. You now inform your subconscious mind of your overwhelming desire to leave diabetes and all its complications and causes in your past, and to return to radiant and vibrant health.

Reversing diabetes and pre-diabetes requires you to make major changes in lifestyle. You now inform your inner mind that you are so excited about returning to full health that you are totally willing to make major changes in your life. These changes include changes in your relationship to food, changes in your relationship to exercise, changes in attitudes, changes in your behavior, and developing a new relationship with yourself. In the past, you may have relied solely on medications to control the symptoms of diabetes. Now you are harnessing all the power of your mind, heart and spirit to cooperate with your doctors to reverse the disease itself. And because you are so ready to be healthy, you let your inner mind know that you are totally willing to make major changes in your life. And because your powerful subconscious mind can think a thousand time faster than your conscious mind, every time you listen to a recording, your inner mind races far ahead of the recording to study and understand your condition thoroughly and to make every mental and emotional change necessary for you to achieve total and radiant health. Every time you hear my voice on these recordings, your inner mind receives and accepts every positive and beneficial suggestion on each one of the recordings and magnifies those positive suggestions over and over until they are totally true for you.

You are at a fork in the road of your life. One fork of the road is that you continue doing exactly what you have always done, and make no changes. Choosing that fork in the road means that your disease continues and gets worse and worse with time. If you send your imagination even a little way down that diabetes fork in the road, you see the consequences of diabetes getting more and more severe, and you see your life shortened and limited in so many ways. The diabetes road is the road of constant hassle, struggle, pain, weakness, blindness, amputation and early death.

The other fork in the road is the healthy road of total health and wellbeing. Choosing that fork means that you make every change necessary to return yourself to a full and healthy life… a long and abundantly active and healthy life.

Send your imagination forward on the healthy road. Your subconscious mind exists in the past and in the future as well as the now. So by sending your imagination up the healthy road, you are literally time traveling into your healthiest possible future. Just a little way up the healthy road you see a radiant figure. It is your healthy future self, coming forward to meet you and guide you on the road of total health.

The first thing you notice about your healthy future self is that you are strong, slender and active. Your future self is the part of you that knows exactly what changes you have to make to achieve total health. Your future self shows you how good it feels to be at an ideal and optimal weight, and to  use your body as it was meant to be used … strong, flexible and active. You open your heart and let your future self fill you with all the good feelings of being active, strong and healthy. Your subconscious mind fills with the feeling of total health. And your powerful subconscious mind begins making whatever changes it needs to make NOW, so that you achieve that total state of health in the fastest possible way.

You ask your future self what your blood sugar numbers are and your future self shows you that your blood sugar stays at 100 or lower 90% of the time. You feel a vast wave of pride that your blood sugar levels are normal, just a little way in your own future. And your subconscious mind accepts that feeling of pride and makes achieving normal blood sugar levels its goal. And your vast subconscious mind makes whatever changes are necessary so that feeling of pride is permanently yours… starting right NOW.

Your healthy future self shows you your A1c levels. And your pride in yourself increases hundreds of times over as you see that your A1c levels are normal  at 5.5 or lower, just a little way in your future. And your subconscious mind does every healthy thing necessary to bring you those normal A1c levels … starting RIGHT NOW.

You realize that your healthy future self enjoys great vision, abundant energy, unlimited strength and incredible endurance. Your future self has a strong heart, perfect kidneys, a healthy pancreas, a sharp mind, perfect circulation and in every way enjoys radiant and vibrant health. You watch as your future self leaves sickness and weakness in the past and returns to astounding health. If you have children or grandchildren, you are amazed and gratified that your future self can be an important part of their lives. And your vast subconscious mind is making all the changes necessary for you to enjoy that perfect state of health… beginning right now.

So what are these changes? Some of them may include changing your relationship with food. Your future self knows that food is fuel for your body and nothing else. If you have used food in the past to as comfort, or to deal with emotions like sadness or grief, anger or pain, you throw the old relationship away and realize that food is fuel for your body and nothing else.

If you have eaten sweet, starchy and fatty foods because there is not enough sweetness in your life, you find healthy ways to make life sweeter, and all desire white, sweet, salty and greasy foods fades away. You replace junk food with healthy and nutritious food. And you only want to eat what your body needs for fuel. All desire for junk food fades away and you learn what real food tastes like, and how it makes your body feel so good. Your subconscious mind changes all your inner beliefs and attitudes about food so that you only want the kind and amount of food your body needs for fuel. Food is fuel for your body and nothing else. You crave foods with a low glycemic index: fresh greens, fresh vegetables, lean proteins, fresh fruits and whole grains. Sodas, even the zero calorie kind, are poisons, and all desire for sodas fades away. Saturated and trans fats are poisons for your heart and pancreas, and they encourage obesity. So your desire for saturated and trans fats fades away to nothing.

If you have been inactive, or even a couch potato, you now adapt a new attitude. Human bodies are designed to move and they can only be healthy when they get lots of movement. You adapt a whole new attitude. Your body is your most precious possession, and you give it lots of exercise and movement so that it can be totally healthy.

Because you eat a healthy diet, your cells are more receptive to insulin. Because you choose to eliminate bleached white flour and white sugar from your diet, your pancreas is healthy and produces all the insulin you need.

You learn about supplements such as chromium, gymnema, tumeric, CoQ10, B complex vitamins, prickly pear cactus and vitamin D that can help reduce inflammation and return your metabolism to normal. Your subconscious mind guides you to find the supplements that are right for you.

Your future self now begins to tell you about other specific changes that are important for you in your quest to reverse diabetes and return to total health. I am going to be silent for a few moments, and in that silent time, your healthy future self tells your conscious and subconscious minds what they most need to hear NOW so that your body can return to full and radiant health in the fastest time possible. That moment of silence for you to listen to your healthy future self begins NOW.

Pause 30 seconds

Return to my voice now, knowing that you inner mind has listened deeply to you healthy future self, and your inner mind is making whatever changes are necessary in your thoughts, feelings, attitudes and behaviors so that you achieve your new state of abundant and radiant health in the fastest healthy way possible. Every time you listen to this recording, these ideas become stronger and stronger. And you find yourself returning to total and perfect health effortlessly and easily. Your life is totally new. Your attitudes, thoughts, beliefs and behaviors are all totally renewed. And you are healthier and healthier with every passing day.

Diabetes #2

Continue breathing gently and easily, and every breath you breathe causes you to relax more deeply. As you relax, your powerful inner mind is more and more open to, and accepting of every positive and beneficial idea on this recording. Every time you listen to any of your self-hypnosis and relaxation recordings, your inner mind multiplies and magnifies all the good ideas on your recordings over and over until they are totally true for you. And each breath you breathe causes your vast inner mind to magnify and totally reinforce all the positive suggestions on your recordings.

You have chosen the path of total health and of returning your body to radiant and vibrant wellbeing… totally free of the hassle, harm and sickness of diabetes. You have chosen to make whatever changes in your attitude, beliefs, thoughts and feelings are necessary for you to achieve your goal of total, radiant health and wellbeing.

You are making positive changes in diet and exercise, and positive changes in your attitudes about life, so that you effortlessly achieve radiant health. Your inner mind is automating the entire process and making the changes without you having to spend much time at all thinking about them consciously.

And because you are making positive changes in your thoughts, attitudes, feelings and behaviors, you are becoming healthier in every possible way. And because you are willing to make profound and powerful changes in your life, there are some amazing new truths operating in your life. In fact there are two new circles of truth that your subconscious mind totally accepts and is putting into operation in every phase of your life. Every time I repeat one of your new truths, your inner mind magnifies and strengthens the entire circle of truth over and over and millions of times over so that your inner mind totally accepts your new truths and puts them into operation. And every breath you breathe makes each individual truth and your circles of truth stronger, and stronger and millions of times stronger.

Your first new circle of truth is made up of four individual truths, and every time I repeat a truth it causes your inner mind to make the entire circle stronger. You hear each truth in your own voice, because they are your new truths.

The first truth in your first circle of truth is this:

My appetite exactly matches my body’s need for fuel. My appetite exactly matches my body’s need for fuel. I only want the food my body needs of fuel. My appetite exactly matches my body’s need for fuel.

And because my appetite exactly matches my body’s need for fuel, that leads to my second new truth in the circle:

Because my appetite is in total harmony with my body’s need for fuel, I am eating less food, and better food and enjoying my food a thousand times more. Food is fuel for my body and nothing else, so I am now eating less food and better food and enjoying it a thousand times more.

That leads to the third new truth in my circle:

Because I am eating less food and better food, my body burns off excess fat and converts it to fuel. My body burns off excess fat and converts it to fuel. I have a lean, fat-burning body. My body burns off excess fat and converts it to fuel.

Which leads to the fourth and final new truth in my first circle of truth.

Because my body burns off excess fat and converts it to fuel, my body is more slender and lighter every week. My body is lighter and more slender each and every week. I love my strong, healthy slender new body. My body is lighter and more slender every week.

And it is a circle of truth, because the fourth new truth leads back to the first one.

Because I love my new lighter, more slender body, my inner mind makes my appetite even more perfectly in balance with my body’s need for fuel.

My entire first circle new truth sounds like this:

My appetite perfectly matches my body’s need for fuel

I am eating less food, and better food and enjoying it a thousand times more

My body is burning off excess fat and converting it to fuel

My body is lighter and more slender every week

And because I love my lighter, more slender body, my appetite even more perfectly matches my body’s need for fuel.

And every breath you breathe causes your inner mind to magnify and reinforce your first circle of truth until it is totally true for you.

Your second new circle of truth also contains four individual truths. And every time I repeat one of the individual truths, your inner mind strengthens and reinforces the entire circle over and over and millions of times over until the entire circle is completely true for you. And every breath you breathe reinforces both of your new circles of truth over and over and millions of time over until they are totally true for you. The truths in the second circle are true for you because the truths in the first circle are true and vice versa. Each circle of truth leads to and reinforces the other.

The first new individual truth in my second circle of truth is this:

I am much healthier and my stress and stress hormone levels are much lower. I am much healthier now and my stress and stress hormone levels are much lower. I am so happy with my new healthy body that my stress and stress hormone levels are dropping dramatically. My stress and stress hormone levels are much lower.

And that leads to my second new truth.

Because my stress and stress hormone levels are much lower, my inflammation levels are dramatically reduced. My inflammation levels are dramatically reduced. My body is becoming remarkably free of inflammation. My inflammation levels are dramatically reduced.

Which leads to my third new truth in the second circle.

Because my inflammation levels are dramatically reduced, my blood sugar is stable at 100 or less. My blood sugar levels are stable at 100 or less. I have the blood sugar levels of a healthy, normal person. My blood sugar levels are stable at 100 or less.

And that leads to my fourth truth in the second circle.

Because my blood sugar levels are stable at 100 or less, diabetes is locked in my past. Diabetes is locked in my past. Diabetes has totally vanished from my present and future. Diabetes is forever locked in my past.

And since diabetes is locked in my past, I am much healthier and my stress levels are lower and lower, and it is a complete circle of truth that gets stronger and stronger with every breath I breathe.

My entire second circle of truth sounds like this:

I am healthier and my stress and stress hormone levels are much lower

My inflammation levels are dramatically reduced

My blood sugar levels are stable at 100 or lower

Diabetes is locked in my past

I am healthier and my stress and stress hormone levels are much lower

Now take a few moments to focus on your breathing. Notice that each breath is a circle. You breathe in, and the air circulates through your lungs, exchanging oxygen and carbon dioxide in trillions of individual circles. Then you exhale and circulate the breath back out. And then you inhale again, starting the circle of breath over. And because your breathing is a circular activity, every breath you breathe causes your inner mind to automatically repeat, magnify and multiply every one of your individual new truths. And every breath magnifies both of your circles of truth over and over and over. Every inhale and every exhale… every breath you breathe… causes your inner mind to reinforce and magnify both new circles of truth over and over and trillions of times over until they are the total truth in your life.

Now just continue breathing, knowing that each breath causes your inner mind to reinforce both circles of truth over and over, making them totally true for you, and your inner mind is doing all the work, you don’t even consciously have to think about it. Your inner mind is taking over the entire job for you. Listen to your circles of truth one more time as you vast inner mind makes them millions of times stronger.

Circle 1

My appetite perfectly matches my body’s need for fuel

I am eating less food, and better food and enjoying it a thousand times more

My body is burning off excess fat and converting it to fuel

My body is lighter and more slender every week

And because I love my lighter, more slender body, my appetite even more perfectly matches my body’s need for fuel.

Circle 2

I am healthier and my stress and stress hormone levels are much lower

My inflammation levels are dramatically reduced

My blood sugar levels are stable at 100 or lower

Diabetes is locked in my past

I am healthier and my stress and stress hormone levels are much lower

And now it is time to return to the surface of the mind, knowing that your vast and amazing subconscious mind is taking over this entire process for you. And you are adopting your new circles of truth so completely that they become totally true for you and you are amazed and gratified at how quickly you are returning to radiant and vibrant health. Every time you listen to this recording, every positive and beneficial suggestion locks into your mind and becomes the total truth for you.

Diabetes #3

As you gently continue listening to my voice, every breath you breathe causes you to relax more deeply. And every breath causes your mind to be more and more open to and receptive of every positive and beneficial idea on this recording. And every beat of your heart is a signal for your inner mind to magnify and multiply the ideas in this recording and make them true for you. Every word on this recording causes your subconscious mind to go deeply within and do every healthy thing necessary for you to achieve your goal of reversing diabetes and returning to your birthright of full and vibrant health.

As you float and drift, imagine or picture the control room of your body and mind. It may look much like the cockpit of a jet airplane, only much larger and a thousand times more complex. Your mind’s control room is filled with lights, levers, buttons, dials, screens, computers and control apparatus of every kind. All of your mind and body’s functions can be moderated and controlled from this center.

The first thing you notice is that every control has a set of indicator lights. Green lights indicate that a body part or function is operating normally. Red lights indicate that the mental or physical part or function is not operating in a normal or healthy manner. You see many, many green lights and a few red lights in your control room. This indicates that most of your mental and physical systems are operating in a healthy way. But some are operating in not so healthy ways.

You also notice that the autopilot light is on. Your mind and body keep doing the same things over and over, even when the functions are out of balance because your mental controls are on autopilot. So the first thing you do in your inner control room is turn off the autopilot so that you and adjust and change the controls.

You begin with the controls for your appetite. You see several red lights over the appetite controls. Perhaps your desire for food is bigger than your body’s need for fuel. Perhaps your appetite for sweets, starches and fats far exceeds your body’s need for such high-energy fuels. Perhaps your appetite for healthy vegetables, fruits, whole grains and lean proteins is too small to give your body what it needs. Perhaps your desire to eat is driven by emotions rather that what your body actually needs. You remember that food is fuel for your body and nothing else. Your appetite is working normally when your desire to eat exactly matches your body’s need for fuel. You don’t have to consciously know what each red light means. Your vast subconscious mind knows exactly what each light and each control means.

Everywhere you see a red light in your appetite control area, you find the attached control, whether it is a lever, a switch or a computer. And you begin adjusting the controls until all the red lights turn to green. You are giving your subconscious mind instructions to make any changes necessary in your appetite until your desire to eat exactly matches what your body needs. You only want the kinds of foods and the amounts of foods that your body needs to be maximally healthy, and your inner mind changes every part of your appetite so that it happens effortlessly and automatically. If, in the past, you have been hungry for too much food, your inner mind adjusts your thinking so that you are only hungry for the food your body actually needs. If, in the past, you have had strong desires for sweet, starchy or fatty foods, your powerful inner mind changes your perceptions so that all desire for sweet, starches or fatty foods fades away. And you find yourself craving whole grains, lean proteins and fresh fruits and vegetable.

If, in the past, you have gobbled your food, your inner mind slows your eating so that you truly taste and enjoy your food. You eat much less, but enjoy it a hundred times more. You truly enjoy the taste of whole, fresh and unprocessed foods. Your mind totally rejects products made with bleached white flour and white sugar. White flour tastes like wallboard paste and white sugar is annoyingly too sweet for you. Your inner mind changes your taste so that you truly enjoy the complex and deep flavors of whole natural foods. As you adjust your appetite controls, your desire to eat comes into perfect balance with your body’s need for fuel. The basic truth is that food is fuel for your body and not another thing else.

If, in the past, you have eaten food at restaurants, or eaten foods prepared by others who have no concern for your body’s actual needs, you find ways to creatively find healthy foods when you eat out. And you practice making your actual needs known to those who prepare your food. You simply refuse to eat foods that do not meet your body’s needs. Your subconscious mind knows exactly what your body needs. And all desire for any other foods fades away. As you continue to adjust the appetite controls, the red lights turn green. And your inner mind helps you assert complete control over what you eat. You only allow foods in your body if they supply the fuel your body wants and needs. You simply refuse to eat what your body does not need. Once you have eaten what your body needs, all desire to eat anything else fades away and you totally reject excess food or nutritionally empty calories. 

As you adjust your appetite controls, and as the red lights turn green, your inner mind realizes that food is fuel for your body and nothing else. If, in the past, you have eaten for emotional reasons, your inner mind now realizes that food cannot fix boredom, pain, loneliness, fear, anger, resentment or any other emotion. Food is only fuel for your body and nothing else. Eating for any other reason damages your body. And as you adjust the appetite levers, all desire to eat emotionally fades away.  Your conscious and subconscious mind find new, creative ways to reduce stress and control emotions… including self-hypnosis, listening to relaxation recordings, and forgiving the injuries of the past.

As you adjust your controls, and as the red lights turn green, all desire for soda pops, including the low calorie kind, fades away to nothing. The sugars and artificial sweeteners in sodas, and the phosphoric acids, are poisons for your body. All desire to consume poisons disappears. You find yourself attracted to water, juices and teas or coffee, or beverages sweetened with stevia, agave or a tiny bit of honey. All desire for alcoholic beverages fades to nearly zero. Alcohol is a poison as well as being empty calories, and your appetite changes so that you no longer want to swallow poison.

It takes great courage to let yourself make changes in your appetite. It takes courage to replace emotional eating with eating based on what your body needs. And you are a far stronger and more courageous person than you have ever given yourself credit for being. You have the courage you need to achieve your goal of reversing diabetes and returning to full and abundant health. Changing your appetite requires the courage to make major changes in your diet. Getting white sugar, white flower, sodas, and other refined, nutritionally empty poisons out of your body requires courage and the attitude of an explorer. And you have that courageous new attitude! You are willing to explore and make any changes necessary to free yourself from the scourge and disaster of diabetes. You are totally determined to make whatever changes are necessary to return to total health. Changing everything about your appetite, so that food is fuel for your body and nothing else, is the first and most important step in setting you free of this horrible and nasty disease.

As you adjust all the controls in your appetite control area, all the red lights change to green. You don’t even have to know consciously what each lever or dial or switch actually controls… your subconscious mind knows. All you have to know is that you are giving your inner mind instructions to change everything about your appetite so that food is fuel for your body and nothing else. And everything changes so that you only want the kinds of food and the amounts of food that lead you back to total and radiant health.

Your control room is vast, but working with the appetite control center is the most important first step in reversing diabetes. You find yourself automatically exploring new, and healthier food. You find yourself automatically eliminating poisons and nutritionally empty calories from your diet. You are eating less, eating better, and enjoying it a thousand times more. And it is all happening automatically, as your subconscious mind makes all the changes inside necessary to return you to vibrant and radiant health.

You totally enjoy the changes happening within you. Once all the red lights in the appetite control center have been set at green, you turn the autopilot back on so that all the changes lock into place.

As your appetite changes, your body changes. Your weight begins to reduce as you eat more healthily. Your blood sugars stabilize and normalize, as food becomes fuel for your body and nothing else. You find new and creative ways to reduce stress and heal the past. And in each and every day you become healthier and stronger. You are amazed and your doctors are gratified as your new appetite totally changes the way you eat, the amount you eat, and the kinds of food you eat. In each and every day, you are growing stronger and healthier. As you rise up to the surface now, your inner mind continues making every healthy change necessary in your appetite and thinking so that you reestablish a healthy relationship with natural and nutritious food and courageously lead yourself back to total health. Every time you listen to this recording, all the beneficial and positive ideas get stronger and stronger. And you inner mind totally takes over. The changes happen automatically and you don’t even have to consciously think about them. In each and every day you are stronger and healthier in each and every way.

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This script has been crafted with love and formatted in a clear, organized layout, making it easy to read aloud for individuals or groups. It is suitable for personal and professional use, including YouTube videos and monetization, and for voiceover recordings.

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You can use them to lead sessions for individuals or groups, record audio and video versions to share online or sell, or even create your own courses. And if you prefer to keep things private, they’re perfect for your personal practice too. Just remember: these PDF files are for your use only and cannot be resold or rebranded without permission.

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Our scripts can range in length from just 5 minutes to a maximum of 45-60 minutes, depending on the script you purchase and how much silence you’d like in between sections. We believe in giving you the freedom to choose what works best for you.

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