Welcome to the meditation for self-healing. Its purpose is to remind your body of its natural abilities to heal itself.
Whether you don’t feel well or you have some serious diagnosis, this meditation will help you.
You’ll feel better immediately after finishing it, and, with everyday use, you’ll notice unbelievable improvement in your health.
There is a divine power within you, the same one that created you, and that can heal you even from worst conditions. Human bodies have the ability to repair themselves and to achieve perfect balance. When we are not in balance, illnesses occur.
The process works in the opposite direction as well, so if you manage to bring back perfect harmony, health issues disappear.
However, to heal themselves, your body and mind need some peace and quiet time. If you are in a constant rush, always active, tensed, never completely relaxed and tranquil, your body can’t repair itself. That’s why meditation is the perfect way to enable self-healing.
Your body has its own wisdom, and you don’t need to teach it anything. You just need to move from the way and allow it to do its job. Your busy mind is the one who needs to be calmed so the natural processes can go on undisturbedly.
In this meditation, we’ll do all that is needed to remind your body of how to heal itself, and everything to allow it to do that. You will learn how to relax the whole body, calm mind, slow and deepen breathing, show appreciation, and love to your body, and remind it of its natural powers.
You can do this meditation whenever you like, during day or night. For the best results, I recommend you do it as often as possible.
Find a quiet place where you won’t be disturbed for about an hour. This is the time only for you and your healing. Make it a priority. Turn off any ringers, all notifications, and all distractors. Choose the most comfortable position. I recommend practicing it in a lying position, but choose whatever is most convenient. For the best experience, use earphones.
Place your attention to my voice. It will guide you to a deeper, relaxed state from which you can empower your body to heal itself, and engage in your healing process.
Make yourself comfortable. The temperature should be pleasant, not too warm, nor cold. Your back should be straight, your legs straight, slightly apart, and hands straight beside your body. Slowly calm before the meditation begins.
Try to calm and slow your breathing. Exhales longer than inhales are the sign for your body to relax. Breathe in through the nose, to the count of four. One, two, three, four. Breathe out through the mouth to the count of eight. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight.
Repeat it. Breathe in. One, two, three, four. Breathe out. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight.
Do it once again. Inhale – one, two, three, four. Exhale – one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight.
If you can’t reach those numbers, don’t worry. Do what you can without forcing yourself.
Being gentle to yourself is now a priority.
Now, allow your breathing to drop back to its natural rhythm.
With every breath in, imagine you are inhaling white, healing light. With each exhale, let go of everything you want to let go. Negative emotions are like a poison inside you. Let them go.
Inhale white light. Exhale tension.
Inhale light. Exhale anger. Inhale light. Exhale anxiety.
Inhale healing. Exhale resentment. Inhale light. Exhale hatred.
Do this for a while, until you let go of all negativity you’ve been holding inside.
It’s time to relax your body now. From the relaxed state, you can talk to your body, send it love and appreciation, and help it activate its natural healing power. When you relax completely, you move your consciousness from the way, and your body is free to repair.
Breathing slowly and deeply, bring your attention to your toes and feet. Feel the aliveness in them. Tense your feet, and then allow them to loosen. Relax the whole feet, from toes to heels. Relax your ankles. Tense the muscles of your lower legs. Hold them tensed for a moment.
Three, two, one, and relax. Relax your knees. Place your focus on your thighs. Feel the backside of your thighs on the surface. Tense the muscles of your thighs. Hold it for three, two, one, and relax.
Allow your legs to open up a bit to the ceiling. Tense your glutes as tight as you can. Hold for a moment, three, two, one, and relax. Allow your glutes, hips, and pelvic area to relax. Take a breath in, and breathing out, relax your lower body a bit more.
Do it a few times. Feel the relaxation and ease spreading through your lower body, and it becomes heavier, sinking in the surface.
Your hands are lying straight beside your body, with your palms up. Feel the aliveness in them. Bring your attention to the sensations in your fingers. Stretch and tense them for a moment, and then relax.
Relax your palms, hands, and wrists. Move your attention up to your forearms. Tense them to the count of three, two, one, and then relax. Relax your elbows. Move up to your upper arms.
Tense the muscles, and hold them tight for a moment. Then allow them to loosen. Your whole hands and arms are relaxed, from very fingertips to your shoulders.
Notice the movements of your stomach, as it moves up and down in the rhythm of your breathing. Pull your navel to the spine and tense the abdominals. Hold them tight for three, two, one. And relax.
Take a nice, deep breath, fill your chest, and tense them. Breathe out, and allow your chest muscles to loosen. Feel the relaxed feeling in your stomach and chest.
Bring your awareness to your back. Feel the surface below, supporting it. Tense all of your back muscles.
Breathe in, and with the breath out, relax your lower back. Inhale deeply again, and exhale, relaxing the middle part of your back. Move your attention up, and with the next exhale, relax your upper back. Feel your back is loosened and relax, sinking into the surface. Feel the lightness, as you were floating yet been strongly supported.
Now, tense your shoulders as firmly as you can, so they can almost touch your ears. Then, with the exhale, allow them to drop and relax. Feel the muscles of your shoulders loosen and become soft and elastic. With each exhale, your shoulders become more and more relaxed. With your shoulders relaxing, the whole body becomes relaxed. Feel the relief, calmness, and peace in your body.
Tense your neck by pushing your jaw to your chest. Then bring your head back and relax your neck. Bring your awareness to your throat. With the next exhale, allow your throat to relax and open. Clench your jaw. Then release it, allowing it to drop down. Tense your facial muscles, and then relax them, one by one.
Relax your cheeks, the eye muscles, your lips, and tongue. Raise your eyebrows and tense the forehead and the scalp. With breath out, allow them to relax. Relax the back and the top of your head. Feel its weight, and your head being cradled by the surface.
Your whole body is completely relaxed now. Feel the ease and tranquility. Breathe deeply and slowly, and enjoy these moments of deep relaxation. Your organs, systems, your blood, bones, and cells are relaxing now. They are all regenerating and healing. There’s so much happening within your body right now. Appreciate those moments of deep reenergizing rest.
How often do you tell your body how thankful you are for everything it does for you? It is time to let it know how grateful you are.
Mentally say “thank you“ to your feet and legs for holding you and taking you wherever you want to go. It’s such a blessing to be able to walk and change places. Thank your glutes for supporting you while you are sitting. Thank your genitals and reproductive organs for bringing you joy and possibilities to reproduce yourself.
Thank your urinary and digestive systems for cleaning your body and getting rid of everything you don’t need anymore. Mentally say thank you to your stomach for digesting food for you, enabling you to use nutrients.
Show appreciation to your lungs for making you breathe and use the air, which keeps you alive. Thank your back for supporting you, holding you up and straight. Say “thank you“ to your hands for doing so many things for you – for holding, bringing, carrying, hugging, creating, and so much more they do for you. Thank your neck for holding and moving your head. Too often, we don’t notice these “workers“ within our body, and we are not aware of how blessed we are to be able to move, to breathe, to walk, to see.
Acknowledge your blessings. Thank your brain for doing such a magnificent job of thinking for you and managing all the activities within your body. It’s such a great manager! Thank your mouth for enabling you to express yourself, to communicate, to feel the taste of the food you eat, to kiss those you love. Say “thank you“ to your nose and to your eyes.
It’s a precious gift being able to see. You can see colors, the faces, the stars glowing in the dark. Feel appreciation so deep to fill the whole of your being. If you count all of your blessings, it’s not surprising even if you begin to cry from happiness and gratefulness.
There’s no better cure in the world than love. Love can heal everything. So, show your body how much you love it. Pour love in each part of it.
Again, start from your feet. Mentally say them, “I love you.“ Move up, sending your love to your legs, your hips, glutes. Feel the love for your belly and chest. Your back also needs to hear, “I love you.“ Pour love into your hands and arms. Say “I love you“ to your shoulders and neck. Then, pour love into your head. Mentally say to your body, “I love you”. You are great. You can do amazing things. I pour love in every part of you. Pour love in every organ, every muscle, and bone. Pour so much love in each cell as it can hold, so every cell of your body becomes a tiny star that spreads the love around. Your body is full of love now.
Your organs work cheerfully —your blood flows in the cheerful rhythm. You are bathing in self-love. It cures everything. It repairs, rejuvenates, and heals everything that needed to be fixed. If there is some part of your body that needs your special attention, pour some extra love in that place. The infinite and unconditional love is spreading from your heart.
You are in a state of deep relaxation. Your breathing is slow and deep. Your body is full of divine, infinite love that is healing it. From this point, you can talk to it, to empower the process of self-healing.
Remind your body of its natural power to heal itself and restore balance, and show it your trust.
You can mentally repeat or just listen to what I am saying. Body, I love you. You are perfect, just the way you are.
I pour love into you.
You deserve to be perfectly healthy.
You are meant to be balanced and work as a wholeness. Health is your inborn right.
You are wise.
You have the ability to heal yourself, and you know how to do that. I trust you and encourage you to do that.
I allow you to do whatever it takes to heal.
You don’t need help, just my trust, and support, and I am giving it to you now.
I allow the divine power within you to guide me and to bring you back to your natural state of harmony.
I listen to you, I understand you and appreciate what you have to tell me. Now, I know you do that because you need my attention.
I let go of everything that stands on the way to healing.
I’m ready to let go of any negative emotions, limiting beliefs, and holding stubbornly to anything. You know the best what’s best for you.
You know the way, and I trust you.
Heal yourself, heal every cell, and every organ within you, make everything do in a perfect way, because I love you, you are amazing, and you deserve to be healthy and happy.
I know you have everything you need for healing, and you will do that perfectly in a way that is best for you.
Now, visualize, you are in front of a massive, golden gate. You push it, and the door opens. You are stepping into a beautiful garden. It’s full of green; there are high trees, flowers, and grass. It’s silent, and you can hear only birds and insects. The sunlight is shining through the crowns. As you are stepping down the path, you can hear the sound of water. You still can’t see any water, but you can hear it. So, you move on down the path in the direction from where the sound is coming.
This garden is huge. Finally, in front of you, there’s a marble pergola. That’s where the sound is coming from. Coming closer, you can see a pool there.
The water is crystal clear, sparkling. You know that is healing water, that helps the body to remind of its self-healing power. You sit on the side of the pool, with your feet in the water. On your surprise, your feet start shining. You decide to get into the water. It’s only waist-deep at this side of the pool. You’re looking at your legs, and you can see they are glimmering. The feeling is as if the water is massaging your feet, legs, and hips. With each step forward, it’s a bit deeper. You are moving on, enjoying the feeling, and knowing that healing is happening right now. Finally, you dive in and feel the water wrapping you. It’s above your head, and your whole body is sparkling with glimmering shine.
Getting out the water, you feel renewed and refreshed as if it washed off everything you needed to shake off.
Your body is reminded of its powers and abilities to heal. It’s full of energy and strength. You know the healing process is already going on.
Besides the pergola, there’s an outdoor daybed with canopy. You didn’t notice it at first. You know it’s here for you. So, you lie down and make yourself comfortable. You can feel a soft breeze on your skin and the comfort of the mattress. You can hear the water sound and feel the smell of fresh grass.
Your whole body is relaxed, rejuvenated, and full of fresh energy. You breathe deeply, knowing a new part of the healing process is about to begin.
Take a deep breath in and imagine a healing, golden light entering your feet. With the breath out, notice your feet are shining brightly.
Breathe in and feel the light entering your muscles and bones of your lower legs. Breathe out, and visualize your legs shining with golden light. Breathe the light in your upper legs, allowing it to fill your thighs and hips. Your hips and whole legs are shining with golden light. On the inhale, fill the light entering your pelvic area, and on the exhale, see the bright light
radiating from your glutes and pelvis. Breathe the healing light filling your stomach. Breathing out, see the bright light spreading from your center.
Inhale the healing light and fill your chest. Exhale, and feel your chest shining.
Breathe the golden light through your spine and allow it to spread all over your back. The golden light is entering every muscle of your back. Breathe out. Your back is shining. It seems as if you are lying on the shiny star.
Breathing in, imagine the light entering your fingers and spreading through your hands. The golden light is filling your lower and upper arms. Breathing out, notice your arms and hands shining gold.
The golden light is moving up to your shoulders, and they shine. With the next breath in, your neck and head are filling with the healing, golden light. Exhaling, notice your head is shining brightly.
The light is entering through your skin, wrapping your organs, penetrating all bones, and muscle tissues. Your cells are shining, bathing in golden, healing light.
While your body is healing, bathing in golden light, using divine wisdom and its natural powers to heal, you can empower it by sending love, blessings, and positive, supportive thoughts.
Take a nice, deep breath. Breathe out slowly.
When ready, gently open your eyes. You can move on with your day, feeling fresh and re-energized. Or, if you want, let yourself drift off to sleep, and have nice dreams.
Create Meditations Like a Pro
Want to lead your own meditation sessions but not sure how to get started? Our guided meditation scripts are the answer!
They’re designed to be easy to read aloud, whether you’re addressing a group or flying solo. Plus, you can record your readings and share them online, and use them to spice up your own meditation sessions.
And if you want to offer a full meditation course, these scripts are perfect for that too!

Boosts Your Confidence and Skills
Leading a meditation session requires much confidence and skill to maintain a calming and peaceful ambiance.
With guided meditation scripts, you don’t need to worry about speaking what is on your mind.
Our scripts are designed to give you the right words at the right time, enabling you to build your confidence and deliver an excellent experience for your audience.
Helps You Create Audio and Video Recordings
Guided imagery scripts allow you to create high-quality recordings that you can share with your followers, clients, or sell as part of your business.
Whether you’re creating YouTube videos that attract thousands of viewers or building a membership-based meditation course, our scripts are adaptable for various mediums, giving you infinite possibilities for sharing your work.

Increases Your Credibility
As a meditation leader, you want your audience to trust your abilities to provide a calm and peaceful experience.
Using guided meditation scripts increases your credibility and positions you as a knowledgeable leader in meditation.
You will provide your clients with quality instruction and reliable content that will put their minds at ease.
Provides Inspiration and New Ideas
If you’re someone who struggles to come up with new and creative ways to lead your meditation, our guided meditation scripts will give you inspiration and new ideas.
You can use our scripts to focus on different aspects of meditation, like relaxation, mindful breathing, or visualization.
You can also add to or alter the script to suit your needs.

Who Are These Scripts For?
Whether you’re a pro or just starting out, our guided meditation scripts are tailored to suit your needs. Perfect for:
- meditation teacher or practitioner
- yoga instructor
- coach and counselor
- therapist
- mental health professional
- psychologist and psychotherapist
- voiceover artist
- content creator
- podcaster
- writer
- athlete
- app developer
- blogger
Our Guided Meditation Scripts Will Help You:
- Improve your meditation-leading confidence and skills
- Create audio and video recordings for your business
- Grow your business by increasing your credibility
- Find inspiration and new ideas for your own meditation(s)
- Read aloud to individuals or groups
- Enhance your self-improvement journey

What You Will Receive
Get ready to receive gorgeously designed PDF files that are a breeze to read, follow, and comprehend. Say goodbye to confusion and hello to clarity with our easy-to-use format.
These scripts can help you increase mindfulness and reduce stress, anxiety, depression, and overwhelm using proven techniques and methods.
To ensure the best experience, we suggest using a desktop device for your initial download.
- Create audio and video recordings that you can use for your business (including apps, YouTube, courses, and podcasts). You can share these recordings online and/or play them during sessions you lead
- Grow your business
- Use these scripts in courses you create, share, and sell
- Use these scripts privately and with your clients
- Edit and customize

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This script has been crafted with love and formatted in a clear, organized layout, making it easy to read aloud for individuals or groups. It is suitable for personal and professional use, including YouTube videos and monetization, and for voiceover recordings.
Use this script to lead your own meditation, edit or alter the script to suit your needs, use it in courses you create and sell, or use it privately with your clients.
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Frequently Asked Questions
How can I utilize the scripts? What am I not allowed to do with?
You can use them to lead sessions for individuals or groups, record audio and video versions to share online or sell, or even create your own courses. And if you prefer to keep things private, they’re perfect for your personal practice too. Just remember: these PDF files are for your use only and cannot be resold or rebranded without permission.
Can I edit the scripts?
Of course! Feel free to customize the language and make it your own so you can confidently guide others in a way that feels natural to you. Just remember, don’t resell the PDF files as they are or with your own branding.
How long are the scripts?
Our scripts can range in length from just 5 minutes to a maximum of 45-60 minutes, depending on the script you purchase and how much silence you’d like in between sections. We believe in giving you the freedom to choose what works best for you.
What's the format of the scripts? Are they written, audio, or video?
Our scripts are available in a beautifully designed and easy-to-read format as separate PDF files. They are hassle-free to follow and understand. You are absolutely free to record audio or videos using the scripts and monetize them. Let your creativity soar!
When will I receive the scripts?
Good news, you won’t have to wait for anything in the mail. Our Scripts are completely digital, so as soon as you order, everything can be downloaded right from the internet! And the best part? Instant online access to the Scripts is all yours. No delays, no fuss.
Can I save the scripts to my computer? Do they work with my computer, phone, and tablet?
Once you’ve placed your order, you’ll have immediate access to the scripts and can easily download them onto your computer. Plus, since the files are in PDF format, you can use them on any device – from a computer to a tablet or mobile phone. To ensure the smoothest experience, we recommend downloading the scripts onto a desktop computer for your first go-around.
I have purchased a Bundle and received a ZIP file. How do I open it?
After you finish downloading, head to the ZIP file on your computer. Simply right-click (or control-click for Mac users) on the file. A menu should appear with options like Extract, Extract All, or Unzip. If none of these options are visible, consider downloading a free program that can unpack ZIP files such as WinRAR or 7Zip. Choose one of the menu options, and follow the instructions that appear. This should create a new folder containing the contents of the ZIP file. Easy peasy!