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Free x 3 Hypnosis Scripts for Stress Reduction [PDF]

Original price was: $17.82.Current price is: $5.94.

Free x 3 Hypnosis Scripts for Stress Reduction [PDF]
Free x 3 Hypnosis Scripts for Stress Reduction [PDF] $17.82 Original price was: $17.82.$5.94Current price is: $5.94.
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Stress Reduction is another hypnosis application that does really well with a series of sessions.  Generally, with Self Hypnosis, use the first session for about two weeks daily and then move onto the second session, and so on.  For professional Hypnosis, use your own judgment as to how long to use each session script.

The word “seashell” has been embedded in the first script so that anyone who uses this script will recognize the use of the word “seashell” in the conscious state as a word that acts as an immediately calming influence.  The use of the word “seashell” acts as a trigger or anchor to calm you or the client feels on the beach during sessions.  This is a word to use in the event you feel yourself getting stressed or upset in the conscious state, as you go about your life.  The use of this word will quickly help to alleviate any building tension or stress and the repetitious use of the word will strengthen its power.

If you are working professionally with clients, then explaining the way that the trigger word works while your client is in the conscious state is ideal.


As you continue to move along the beach, you feel the sun warming the top of your head, you feel the sea breeze against your skin, and you hear the sounds of children’s laughter as you move along the beach. To your right, you see the ocean and the sun as it dances on the surface of the water, you can hear the sounds of sea gulls as they fly above the water and as they dive into the water – happy to be alive just like you.  As you continue to breathe deeply, filling your lungs with life-giving oxygen, you feel yourself growing calmer and calmer.  The calm of the beach and the ocean soothes your soul.  Any concerns or cares you brought here to the beach with you dissipate and disappear. You are amazed at the remarkable beauty of this place, and you feel great – happy, healthy, glad to be alive, glad to be here, and glad to be you.  You breathe deeply and evenly, filling your lungs with calming and relaxing oxygen.

You feel any sense of tension in your body melt away, feeling free and young and full of life, certain of a happy outcome for this and every day.  As you move along the beach you feel yourself relaxing, breathing deeply, feeling good, feeling fine with a light heart and a happy mind.

As you move along the beach, you see other people walking and talking along the beach, you see others lying on beach towels enjoying the beautiful day, and you feel a part of this happy scene. You are a good and happy person, who is consistently patient with others.  You have a sense of belonging here, you feel accepted and valued by the others as well as by yourself.  You realize that from this moment forward, you have a clearer view of whom you really are, and how well you fit into the world.  You let out a deep sigh and with that sigh, you release any stored tension that might still be in your body.  You feel so at peace and peaceful, that you realize you no longer have a desire to react to outside stimuli that used to bother you.  You choose to be free of any upsets and to maintain your present sense of peace and calm.

You acknowledge that you are free of any concerns you might have carried around with you before today. You feel as if someone has given you a crystal ball that allows you to see all of the outcomes ahead for you, and you see that all is well.  You are calm and at peace.  You are a good and happy person.  You take a deep breath and as you do, you feel your body bathing in the extra oxygen you are providing to it with your full and deep breathing.  You decide to be patient with others at work, at home and in the world.  You feel your heart open with happiness at this freeing decision, as you leave any concerns or worries behind.

As you continue to breathe deeply, you feel yourself becoming more and more relaxed moment by moment. You realize that this level of relaxation is now yours, without any effort on your part.  You are looking forward to sharing this peace with others as you decide to be consistently kind and patient with others, and to no longer let petty annoyances rattle you.

As you continue to move along the beach, you see a beautiful seashell lying there in front of you. As you pick it up to admire it, you realize that this seashell can be your reminder of this perfect sense of relaxation you are enjoying today.  From this moment forward, the word “seashell” causes your body to return to this perfectsense of relaxation. And as you look at the seashell, you feel a deeper sense of relaxation moving over you.  Then you say the word “seashell” and you feel an even deeper sense of relaxation move over your body. And with this, you feel a true and abiding sense of the perfection of your world, and your place in the world. You realize that you are free forever more of any concerns or worries that might have occupied your mind before this day.  You enjoy taking another deep breath, and as you do, your body relaxes even more.

As you continue to move along the beach, you see so many seashells on the beach, and just for fun, you say seashell, seashell, seashell, and each time that you do, you feel your body respond positively by relaxing more and more to the word that has become a signal for your body to relax.

And as you move along the beach, you breathe deeply and you realize how healing it is to breathe deeply. You feel your body respond to all of the oxygen that you are taking in. You decide that from this moment forward, you breathe deeply and fully, filling your body with life-giving oxygen.

As you continue to walk along the beach, you smell the saltwater and you hear the seagulls as they swoop and dive, happy to be alive and you feel happy too, and glad to be alive, just like the seagulls.  You feel the sun warming your face and your shoulders, you feel the salt-breeze as it caresses you skin, you see the sun as it sparkles on the ocean, and you breathe deeply and freely, enjoying the day and enjoying being you.  You are a good and happy person, newly determined to be patient with yourself and others, and looking forward to a more peaceful existence.

As you continue along the path, you hear the seagulls and the ocean waves, you feel the sun warming your head and your shoulders, and you feel the breeze against your skin as you breathe deeply and freely, filling your lungs with life-giving oxygen.

As you continue to move along the path, you realize that we are coming closer to the pastoral area with the barn.  You look back one more time to see this beautiful beach and to remember evermore how wonderful and alive you feel now that you are free of the challenge that brought you here today; and how grateful you feel for this experience.

As you continue to move along the path, your feet touch the gravel and as you look around, you notice the duck pond up ahead on the left and the red barn up ahead on the right.  The cows are still grazing peacefully and the leaves rustle in the breeze.  You see the large oak door up ahead and move forward toward it.

You arrive at the door and pull it open, the hinges squeaking again. You are now in the large round foyer with the stairs up ahead.  You move toward the stairs and begin to move up them.

    Number 1

    Number 2

    Number 3…….Coming back.

    Number 4…….Coming back.

    Number 5…….Coming back slowly…….coming back.

    Number 6…….Coming back to the current moment and place…..coming back.

    Number 7…….Coming back…feeling rested and refreshed….coming back.

    Number 8…….Coming back…feeling good, feeling fine, perfectly relaxed.

    Number 9…… Coming back now, eyes open, wide awake, eyes open, wide awake.

    Number 10…..Eyes open, wide awake, eyes open wide awake.


As you continue to move along the beach, you feel the sun warming the top of your head, and you feel the sea breeze against your skin, and you hear the sounds of children’s laughter.  To your right, you see the ocean, and the sun as it dances on the surface of the ocean.

You can hear the sounds of sea gulls as they fly above the water, and as they dive into the water, happy to be alive, just like you, and as you continue to breathe deeply filling your lungs with life-giving oxygen, the colors of the children’s swimsuits catch your eye… bright reds, and lemon yellows, and sky blues.  You are amazed at the remarkable beauty of this place, and you feel great… happy, healthy, glad to be alive… glad to be here, and glad to be you.  You are happy with your life, and you are experiencing an increased appreciation for all your blessings.

As you continue to walk along the beach, you enjoy feeling healthy and whole; you realize that this magical place has caused a complete transformation for you.  You realize that you have left behind the concerns and cares that brought you here originally.  You find that you are becoming more patient with yourself and more patient with others. You feel free, and healthy, and strong, as you move along the beach.  You breathe deeply, filling your lungs with life-giving oxygen, and as you move along the beach, you realize that you are a happier person day by day, and you feel very grateful for that.

As you continue to move along the beach, you notice a large group of people ahead on your right.  These people are active, and happy, playing with a beach ball while others are playing volleyball. These people are active, trim, and happy, and as you observe these people, you feel their sense of calm and peace.  That peace seems to emanate from them; their calm feels entirely contagious which is good.  You enjoy being with others and you laugh easily these days.  You breathe deeply as you walk along, and as you do, you feel your youth returning, and your breath deepening, and you feel grateful to be here, and happy to be you.  You marvel at your body’s ability to easily and effortlessly leave behind the concerns that brought you here originally.  You are becoming a very patient and understanding person.  You seem to have lost any inclination for knee jerk reactions.  You are really happy with your progress, and happy with your life.

As you continue along the beach, you breathe deeply and easily.  You feel your clothes growing looser on your body, as your metabolism adjusts favorably to the changes you are making.  You feel your body strengthen, and as it does, your metabolism improves, in fact, your entire body responds favorably to these changes.  You are happy with your life and your outlook.

You realize that it is time to return back the way you came, so you turn around on the beach, heading back toward the path, and you wave at your new friends, still playing and laughing and expressing all the health and well-being they enjoy.  You feel grateful to be a part of that group of happy, relaxed and patient people.  You are a happy person.

You realize you are completely free of the concerns that brought you here, and that you no longer choose to be reactive.  You realize you have been given a second chance at complete health and happiness, and you are grateful to your mind and body for the opportunity.  When you feel yourself starting to return to your old ways, you breathe deeply and a sense of calm returns to you.

As you continue to move along the path, you feel strong and free, healthy and happy, glad to be here, and glad to be you.  As you continue along the path, you hear the seagulls, and the ocean waves; you feel the sun warming your head and your shoulders, and you feel the breeze against your skin, as you breathe deeply and freely, filling your lungs with life-giving oxygen.  You are happy to be here and happy to be alive.  And as you continue to move along the path, you realize that we are coming closer to the pastoral area with the barn, and you look back one more time to see this beautiful place, and to remember evermore, how wonderful and alive you feel now that you are free of the challenge that brought you here originally.  You breathe deeply and easily, and then you count your blessings.

As you continue to move along the path, your feet touch the gravel and as you look around, you notice the duck pond up ahead on the left and the red barn up ahead on the right.  The cows are still grazing peacefully and the leaves rustle in the breeze.  You see the large oak door up ahead and move forward toward it.

You arrive at the door and pull it open, the hinges squeaking again. You are now in the large round foyer with the stairs up ahead.  You move toward the stairs and begin to move up them.

    Number 1

    Number 2

    Number 3…….Coming back.

    Number 4…….Coming back.

    Number 5…….Coming back slowly…….coming back.

    Number 6…….Coming back to the current moment and place…..coming back.

    Number 7…….Coming back…feeling rested and refreshed….coming back.

    Number 8…….Coming back…feeling good, feeling fine, perfectly relaxed.

    Number 9…… Coming back now, eyes open, wide awake, eyes open, wide awake.

    Number 10…..Eyes open, wide awake, eyes open wide awake.


 As you continue to move along the beach, you feel the sun warming the top of your head, and you feel the sea breeze against your skin, and you hear the sounds of children’s laughter.  To your right, you see the ocean, and the sun as it dances on the surface of the ocean.  You can hear the sounds of sea gulls as they fly above the water, and as they dive into the water, happy to be alive, just like you, and as you continue to breathe deeply filling your lungs with life-giving oxygen, you realize that you feel very proud of yourself.  You are becoming a much more kind and patient person.  You feel calm and in control almost all the time now.

You are amazed at the remarkable beauty of this place, and you feel great…happy, healthy, glad to be alive…glad to be here, and glad to be you.

As you continue to walk along the beach, you enjoy feeling healthy and whole; you realize that this magical place has caused a complete transformation for you.  You realize that you have left behind the challenges that originally brought you to this beach.  You are happy to realize that difficult situations don’t unnerve you anymore.  You feel calm and in control almost all the time now.  You feel free, healthy, and strong, as you move along the beach.

You breathe deeply, filling your lungs with life-giving oxygen, and as you move along the beach, you notice that your clothes are a little looser, and you feel that you are releasing an extra few pounds in the process of leaving this challenge behind you.  People enjoy being with you more and more all the time now, and that makes you happy.  You like being the steady and patient guy that people can tell their troubles to.

As you continue to move along the beach, you notice a large group of people ahead on your right.  These people are active, and happy, playing with a beach ball while others are playing volleyball. These people are active, trim, and happy, and as you observe these people, you get a strong sense of their calm under all that play and laughter.  You breathe deeply as you walk along, and as you do, you feel your youth returning, and your breath deepening, and you feel grateful to be here, and happy to be you.  You marvel at your body’s ability to easily and effortlessly leave behind the concern that brought you here originally.  You are now one of the most relaxed people you know.

As you continue along the beach, you breathe deeply and easily.  You feel your clothes growing looser on your body, as your metabolism adjusts favorably to the changes you are making.  You feel your body strengthen, and as it does, your metabolism improves, in fact, your entire body responds favorably to these changes.  You are happy to be living your life in a way that supports your continuing health.

You realize that it is almost time to return, and you turn around on the beach, heading back toward the path; and you wave at your new friends, still playing and laughing and expressing all the health and well-being they enjoy. You feel grateful to be a part of that group of healthy and happy people.  People enjoy being with you more and more all the time.  You are the friendly guy with a smile for everyone.

You realize you are almost completely free of the challenges that brought you here originally, and that you no longer desire to do anything that isn’t based in peace.  You realize you have been given a second chance at complete health and happiness, and you are grateful to your body for the opportunity.  Since you know that you control your own response to all situations that arise, you feel healthier and happier all the time.  No more dramatic mood swings or stony looks cast at others.  You enjoy being easy going and friendly.

As you continue to move along the path, you feel strong and free, healthy and happy, glad to be here, and glad to be you.  As you continue along the path, you hear the seagulls, and the ocean waves, and you feel the sun warming your head and your shoulders; you feel the breeze against your skin, as you breathe deeply and freely, filling your lungs with life-giving oxygen.  As you continue to breathe deeply, your body releases any tiny tensions that may exist within you.  And as you continue to move along the path, you realize that we are coming closer to the pastoral area with the barn, and you look back one more time to see this beautiful place, and to remember evermore, how wonderful and alive you feel now that you are freer of the challenge that brought you here.  You are one of the most relaxed people you know and you are so grateful to be that person.  You are a happy person now, and you are proud of yourself.

As you continue to move along the path, your feet touch the gravel and as you look around, you notice the duck pond up ahead on the left and the red barn up ahead on the right.  The cows are still grazing peacefully and the leaves rustle in the breeze.  You see the large oak door up ahead and move forward toward it.

You arrive at the door and pull it open, the hinges squeaking again. You are now in the large round foyer with the stairs up ahead.  You move toward the stairs and begin to move up them.

    Number 1

    Number 2

    Number 3…….Coming back.

    Number 4…….Coming back.

    Number 5…….Coming back slowly…….coming back.

    Number 6…….Coming back to the current moment and place…..coming back.

    Number 7…….Coming back…feeling rested and refreshed….coming back.

    Number 8…….Coming back…feeling good, feeling fine, perfectly relaxed.

    Number 9…… Coming back now, eyes open, wide awake, eyes open, wide awake.

    Number 10…..Eyes open, wide awake, eyes open wide awake.

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This script has been crafted with love and formatted in a clear, organized layout, making it easy to read aloud for individuals or groups. It is suitable for personal and professional use, including YouTube videos and monetization, and for voiceover recordings.

Use this script to lead your own self-hypnosis, edit or alter the script to suit your needs, use it in courses you create and sell, or use it privately with your clients.

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You can use them to lead sessions for individuals or groups, record audio and video versions to share online or sell, or even create your own courses. And if you prefer to keep things private, they’re perfect for your personal practice too. Just remember: these PDF files are for your use only and cannot be resold or rebranded without permission.

Of course! Feel free to customize the language and make it your own so you can confidently guide others in a way that feels natural to you. Just remember, don’t resell the PDF files as they are or with your own branding.

Our scripts can range in length from just 5 minutes to a maximum of 45-60 minutes, depending on the script you purchase and how much silence you’d like in between sections. We believe in giving you the freedom to choose what works best for you.

Our scripts are available in a beautifully designed and easy-to-read format as separate PDF files. They are hassle-free to follow and understand. You are absolutely free to record audio or videos using the scripts and monetize them. Let your creativity soar!

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