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Free Hypnosis Script for Porn Addiction [PDF]

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Free Hypnosis Script for Porn Addiction [PDF] $5.94 Original price was: $5.94.$2.97Current price is: $2.97.
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Does hypnosis work for porn addiction? The short answer is yes, because hypnosis is perhaps one of the greatest tools for altering our perceptions, experiences, and for breaking self-defeating associations.

While pop psychology and even the medical establishment wants to use the term “porn addiction”, what we are really dealing with is far more important than any repetitive behavior. What we call porn addiction is not the result of overusing our quota of enticing images. The problem is that by repetitively using porn, one escalates the expectation of both physical and emotional response, chasing the perceived satisfaction each experience will bring. In other words, those labeled as porn addicts really are living in a state of perpetual anxiety. Porn is used as a quick way of releasing anxiety. However, at the same time it creates more. It is really no different than a person who always worries about tomorrow and works themselves into an emotional frenzy over “what if.”

Good hypnosis teaches mindfulness, which is the ability to live in the present. This detaches us from the chase and the underlying anxiety or obsessive thoughts. Sexual response produces powerful responses in the brain, flooding the mind and body with instant change. The resulting feeling may even be more distressing than the original cues to seek release. Perhaps the resulting feelings may be shame, guilt, or remorse. But even with these negative responses, the behavior produced an instant change. This instant state change is what the porn addict is often seeking through these self-defeating behaviors.

The reason people become addicted to porn is really that they lack alternative ways of producing fast state change. Hypnosis is an effective strategy for developing this kind of change. I once heard an old radio minister distill the problem of porn addiction to one simplistic phrase. He said that “What the mind attends to, it considers. What it considers, it eventually acts upon.” I have thought about this ever since I heard it. Obsessive thoughts play a big role in what is called porn addiction and hypnosis is a fantastic tool for altering “what the mind attends to.”

In metaphysics, the entire premise of “the secret” is that we create what we think. A person who has directed their attention towards porn will no doubt manifest this by seeking porn. One of the basic principles of effective hypnosis is that it can help us choose where we are placing our conscious thoughts, thereby decreasing obsession and providing tools for redirection when we note distressing thoughts or temptations. Hypnosis is an effective tool, but not because it controls a person. After all, that is what the obsessive thoughts of porn are doing. Rather, it is a tremendous tool precisely because the opposite is true. It provides relief from anxiety, stress, and obsession, while training a person to direct attention to something positive.



It often happens that during the day, both in my home and in my office, I notice things that I need. For example, the other day I noticed that my office was out of paper cups. I thought to myself, “The next time I am at the store, I will buy some paper cups.” While at home later that afternoon, I noticed that I needed lemons for my tea. I always have lemon with my tea. I noted, “When I am at the store, I will buy some lemons.” Over then next day or two, I mentally compiled a list of items I needed from the store. All of these things were important and necessary to me. Even though I often put off going to the store, I finally went because I wanted to get everything that was important to me. As soon as I walked in the door, I saw a sale in produce on my favorite breakfast fruits and I bought some. As I walked in and out of the aisles, I found many things I needed for the home, but I was really excited about the delicious fruits I first picked up. After I checked out, I realized I forgot to buy lemons. I went back into the store to buy some, after putting groceries in my car. When I drove home and unpacked all of the items, I felt happy with the many things I had purchased. Of course the next day, when I went to the office, I remembered I never bought the paper cups I needed. Later that evening when I returned home, I remembered that I forgot to buy paper towels.

Have you ever had an experience like this, where you thought of something important but found later you did not remember to get it? Of course you have. It happens to all of us. What this shows us is that even when something catches our attention, even something important, we can forget to remember it later.

It may seem that you never forget porn. Yet it is true that sometimes you are thinking of something else. Even if those moments are few and far between, there are times when you forget to remember porn, just like I forgot cups for my office. Of course, I really didn’t forget the cups. After all, I remembered I forgot when I returned to my office the next day. The reality is that for a moment I just didn’t pay attention to them. I was paying attention to the fresh fruit that was in season and to the wheels of the shopping cart, which didn’t seem to go in a straight line.

During our time today, I am not going to tell you to forget porn or convince you to stop thinking about it. Rather, I am going to teach you some skills of redirecting your attention to other things in your world, like the wheels on a shopping cart or something else that captures your attention.

Let’s practice. Right now we are both just sitting here and breathing. Do you notice your breath? Do you notice the way the air feels when you inhale and the way it feels when you exhale? Most of the time, we never pay attention to our breath, but right now and right here, you can pay attention to that breath. By doing so, you focus not on regrets of the past or anxieties over the future, but just on this moment and this breath. Pay attention again to the breath. You don’t have to try to speed it up or slow it down. Just observe it, feel it, and note the breath. The act of paying deliberate attention to this moment is called mindfulness. Now I am going to be silent for about thirty seconds. While I am silent, continue to focus all of your attention on your breath, paying attention to each one.

(30 seconds pause)

As I was silent, did you notice that as you paid attention to the breath, you also started to think? Perhaps you were thinking about this process, perhaps about my voice, or perhaps you were even thinking about porn? Our minds are always thinking and it is easy to drift in our thoughts. And because our minds drift to those things that capture our attention and we follow those thoughts, this is why we forget those things that are important to us at the store.

This mental drifting and following thoughts is a natural process, but it is one we can modify by creating a focal point. In this case, we use the breath as a focal point. I never ask anyone to stop thinking, but instead to simply chose where to place attention. I want you to pay attention to the breath.

I am going to be silent again, this time for forty-five seconds. Anytime you notice your mind wandering or even thinking of porn, do not be harsh with yourself. Do not say, “That is a bad thought.” Instead, recognize that you have begun to follow a thought and return your thought to the breath. Breathe in and exhale, using this as a focal point to direct your immediate attention.

(Forty-five seconds of silence)

Of course, some people find this exercise easy and others find it more difficult. However, I am going to give you a homework assignment to practice developing mindfulness to the breath by listening to a short CD, each day. In doing so, just like a musician who practices his music and is ready for the performance, you will learn to intuitively be mindful. You will find that in any situation where automatic, obsessive, or other distressing thoughts arise, you can choose where to direct your thoughts.

Transitional Deepener: Elicit Core Value

What is really most important to you? You are calm and relaxed, centered and focused, and if you could, please identify one aspect of your personality that you really admire. What is that?

(Wait for answer)

You are kind (This is only an example. The client will supply the aspect of their personality that they admire.), and that is a great quality to have. After all, kindness is a virtue that most aspire to and you already possess that. Just as you can pay attention to your breath, you can pay attention to this aspect of your personality. You probably find many ways to criticize yourself because you have spent time looking at porn, but this aspect of kindness that you possess has always been there, even when doing things that caused you distress. Take a moment to really note, just like you noted the breath, this aspect of who you are. Feel the kindness, hear yourself saying kind words, or even see yourself as an outside observer, noting the kindness within you.

It is easy to be forgiving of yourself, even if in the past you have not lived to your own expectations, because within you has always been a core of kindness. This awareness is as important to focus on as any other feeling you have about yourself.

Transitional Deepener: Direct Suggestion

Now I am going to give you some direct suggestions. These are not things that come from me, but things that you have asked me to suggest by coming here today. In fact, these all come from within you and so we know that when our session is over and you step over the threshold of the office door, you will be entering into a new chapter of life. It will be a chapter of life where you choose to direct your thoughts. You can easily returning to the simplicity of the breath or thoughts of your kind nature whenever you note the thoughts that you used to follow such as porn, stress, or regret.

At the end of our session, I am going to give you a CD to listen to that will help you practice mindful attention to that which is important to you. Because you took the time to come here today, it is obvious that this change is important to you. Therefore, you will find it easy to listen to this CD and practice the principle of mindfulness, twice a day for twenty-one days.

You will also note that anytime your thoughts drift to porn or anything that becomes your center of attention, you can non-judgmentally return to the moment and to what is most important. That is the breath that sustains our life.

You can congratulate yourself. It was a bold decision to come here today and to honestly address these things. You will find that by having done so, you will remember to forget to view porn or even find yourself forgetting to remember to look at porn.

Anytime you find yourself anxious, frustrated, and craving porn, take a moment to bring yourself back to this state of calm, resolve, and change where you have been kind to yourself. Sit in a chair, close your eyes, and just focus on the breath or on kindness. Bring yourself back to this state that you have created, right here and right now. You will note that by doing this, a craving for porn simply evaporates as you recognize your ability to choose where you direct your attention.


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This script has been crafted with love and formatted in a clear, organized layout, making it easy to read aloud for individuals or groups. It is suitable for personal and professional use, including YouTube videos and monetization, and for voiceover recordings.

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You can use them to lead sessions for individuals or groups, record audio and video versions to share online or sell, or even create your own courses. And if you prefer to keep things private, they’re perfect for your personal practice too. Just remember: these PDF files are for your use only and cannot be resold or rebranded without permission.

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Our scripts can range in length from just 5 minutes to a maximum of 45-60 minutes, depending on the script you purchase and how much silence you’d like in between sections. We believe in giving you the freedom to choose what works best for you.

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