Welcome to the meditation created to help you with depression. You can use it to overcome depressive moods, too.
It’s going to bring you a new perspective and show you a new way to look at your thoughts and feelings.
You might feel better as soon as you finish the meditation session. You’ll feel more hopeful immediately.
If you regularly practice this meditation, depressed moods will occur less often until you finally notice depression has entirely disappeared from your life.
Please, keep in mind that this meditation is aimed to ease depression and help you during the process, but it can’t replace professional help. Please, seek professional help, and use this meditation in addition.
Choose a time when you won’t be disturbed, and you can safely close your eyes, listen, and relax for a while. This quiet, me-time is not a luxury. It’s a need and will tremendously add to your healing.
Before we begin, take time to find a comfortable position. You can be lying or sitting up. It’s up to you, and everything is okay as long as your back is straight and has its natural curve.
Make sure that your clothes are comfortable, loosen all the restrictive pieces or belts. Turn off any ringers and notifications.
Place hands beside the body, or on your lap, or knees, palms up. If you wish, close your eyes. If you don’t feel so, it’s okay, too.
Take a few deep and slow breaths. Connect with your breath. Observe how it affects your body, notice all the sensations and movements connected with it.
Feel the air entering your nostrils. Notice your belly rises and falls with the in-breath and out-breath.
Now allow your breathing to settle in its natural rhythm and let go of trying to control it.
Be aware of your body, posture, its place in the space, and its weight on the surface beneath.
Notice all the sensations in the body. Feel all the body parts. Be aware of your breathing and its natural rhythm.
Depression is universal; it’s part of being a human. We all feel depressed from time to time. But when it lasts for a long time, it affects everything – our body and health, our mindset and thinking, emotions, and life fields. There’s a whole package of negative feelings coming from depression.
It can make you look at life through black glasses and being unable to see anything positive. Eventually, it seems as if all of your interests have faded away.
Depression is a natural reaction to loss. However, you can be depressed for no apparent reason, too.
That doesn’t make your depression any easier, nor it means anything’s wrong with you. Either way, know that your thoughts and emotions are normal.
Although it’s tough and not fun at all, depression can bring you something good, too – It can force you to turn inward, examine your problems and
perspectives, gain meaningful insights, reevaluate things in your life and make adjustments.
Living with depression for sure is not something you should accept as permanent. Know that there is always a solution out there.
Seek professional help, support from people around you, and use this meditation as often as you can. This meditation will teach you some techniques that will help you a lot to feel better. You can use them whenever you need them.
Whatever your emotions and thoughts are, you should not ignore, suppress, nor deny them. Whatever you fight or deny, grows stronger. The solution is also not in digging for the root of the problems and figuring out where they came from. Those are not the ways to get rid of negative thoughts and feelings. A better solution is to change your relationship with them.
Instead of resisting and fighting hard feelings, accept them, make space for them to play, and stay with them for a while. Give them your attention; your emotions are trying to tell you something. They are telling you where you were not faithful to your true self.
When you offer them acceptance instead of resistance, you’ll see, much to your surprise, how they lose the power and fade away.
Make yourself comfortable so that you can relax. If you fall asleep during the meditation, it’s okay; your subconscious mind will be listening to and recording everything I say. But, if possible, try to stay alert during the session, so you can consciously engage in healing.
Breathe in your natural pattern. You don’t need to change your rhythm nor depth of breathing for now. Just breathe in your usual way. Place your attention on the nose. Feel the air entering your nostrils. Feel its coolness. Now, notice the air leaving your nostrils, notice its warmth. Do this for a few moments. Focus on breathing the fresh air in and breathing warm air out. Concentrate only on sensations in your nose.
Do it once again—cool air in, warm air out.
Now, explore your breath and allow yourself to experience it fully. Watch your breath, be curious. Have the experience of breathing and observe yourself having it at the same time.
If your natural breathing is long and deep, notice that. If your normal breathing is short and shallow, notice that, too, without judgment. If the way your breathing changes or stays the same, notice that. Don’t try to change or fix anything. Don’t hold for beliefs of “how things should be.” Instead, accept the things for what they are and just observe without trying to control them.
So, we are still observing your natural breathing pattern.
Sooner or later, you will lose your focus. It’s perfectly normal, so don’t criticize or judge yourself. We all get distracted, and focusing requires some practice.
Distractions always come from one of these sources – your thoughts, senses, or feelings. When a distraction occurs, just notice it and let go. Then gently bring your focus back to your breath. Try to do it for a moment, with the next distraction. Notice, and let go. No need to push it away. Don’t fight it, don’t suppress it, just let it float by.
Whenever your mind begins to wander, notice what’s going on. Bring your attention back to your nose, sensations in it, breathing in and out.
It’s also expected to feel the urge to name a distraction. For instance, you may mentally say, “alarm is ringing in the next apartment,” “kids are making noise outside,” “traffic,” “dog’s barking,” or so, whatever distracted you. Try to name just one thing instead, more general and more in connection with what’s happening with you – “distracting” or “wandering,” for instance. Bring your attention back to your breathing. Try this for a moment, with the next distraction or mind wandering.
Now, the next time you lose your focus, try not to name things internally at all. Just notice that you have lost your focus and bring it back. Try this with the next distraction.
Most likely, depressive thoughts and feelings will intrude. Those are ones you are trying to escape from. The trick is to learn to bring your attention back to your breathing instead of following those thoughts. Breathe in your natural way. When a negative thought arises, just notice it and let it pass by. It will be easier each time because you already know how to let thoughts go.
Gently bring your focus back to your nose and your breathing. Try it for a moment. Notice the negative thought occurring. Let it float by you, easily, without pushing.
When you feel depressed, your mind is often stuck in the past, ruminating about some things from the past that affected your life.
Being in the present, consciously aware, makes you balanced. You are the most present when focusing on your breath and sensations in your body. That makes you grounded in the present.
Try to be consciously present and aware of each moment of your next few breaths.
Feel the air entering your nostrils. Feel its coolness. Feel it as it goes down your airways to your lungs and belly.
Notice all the movements connected with breath. Feel all the sensation it provokes in your body. Follow its way back, and feel the warmth of the air leaving your nostrils.
Doing this, be intentionally present and completely aware of every moment of your next few breaths.
Don’t be surprised when negative emotions occur and distract you. They go hand in hand with depressive thoughts. You’ll probably experience sadness, emptiness, anxiety, resentment, bitterness, anger, or rage.
Emotions are nothing else but a combination of your thoughts and sensations in your body. Acknowledge that and mentally divide a negative emotion into those two parts. Notice the thought in your mind and feel the
sense it provokes in your body. You might feel it as tension in your head or neck, a weight on your chest, fatigue, monotony, or an ache in different body parts. Allow yourself to experience what you feel. You don’t need to change it, solve it, or take any action about it.
The second part is to see the thoughts in your mind. Acknowledge the connection between those two. Your thoughts provoke your body to feel a certain way, and you experience those two together as an emotion.
Make a conscious choice to place your attention on the sensation in your body, not the thought. Rest your attention on the sensation. Notice if its intensity changes or stays the same. It might happen to disappear under your focused attention.
Now, leave the emotion and the sensation in the body and gently bring your attention back to the breathing and the way it feels in your nose. Breathe in and feel the cool air entering your nose. Breathe out, and focus on the warmth of the air that’s leaving your nose.
If you choose to follow your distressing thoughts, it will strengthen the connected negative feeling. But, if you choose to pay undivided attention to the negative sensations, it provokes in your body, depressive and distressing thoughts diminish. They need your negative thoughts and their stories to feed themselves. If you focus only on your physical sensations, negative emotions starve and fade away, bringing you relief.
Notice that focusing on your breathing and physical sensation grounds you in the present and brings you relief better than anything else.
Now, visualize you are at a train station. People are rushing in all directions. There are the hustle and bustle all around you. You are standing still on your platform, waiting for your train. The world around you seems dull and grey—colorless people in their grey suits, dirty streets around the station, grey station, and ugly trains. You are wearing a plain, grey pelerine with no defined shape. You are also carrying a heavy bag made of dark leather. It’s so heavy that your arms sore. But you can’t put it down. You have to carry it wherever you go.
Thoughts may come and go in their rhythm while you are observing the world around you. Don’t worry- all the mental chatter will pass; just let the thoughts be and be gentle with yourself. People and your thoughts are passing you by in their busy manner, but you remain completely calm. You know you will be leaving this hectic environment in a moment, as soon as your train arrives. Think of this moment as an escape that will help you think clearly again. The train will take you to a far destination, where you feel peaceful and calm. You know you’ll come back as a different person.
You are ready to begin the journey. Your train arrives, and you are stepping abroad. Give yourself permission to devote this time to yourself, to spend some time alone, to relax. You know you’ll gain a new perspective, and you also know that this has to be done. So, don’t feel guilty. You find your carriage. It’s empty, and you are the only passenger here. Take a seat and finally put your heavy beg down. It’s such a relief! Your muscles automatically relax. The sense of tranquility fills your mind and body.
The voices from the station start to fade away. You are looking through a window. That’s the same dull and grey world out there, but you can observe it from a distance now. You are leaving it behind now, and it’s natural to feel sadness and regret, or relief, knowing that you are leaving everything that was holding you back.
Take this me-time to rest and relax. Allow yourself to see your needs and desires. Your sadness is trying to tell you something. Perhaps it’s trying to show you that you have neglected your needs and needs of your soul. It suffers and uses unpleasant feelings to gain your attention. You have enough time to relax the whole body.
You’ve created a distance now, and you can see your life from another perspective. From your window, the world outside looks different now. The sky looks more blue and clear, the grass and trees are greener.
The further you get from the train station, the easier you feel. Your feel calm and positive. Your arms and hands are rested from heavy baggage. Your muscles are relaxed in a comfortable seat. Your breathing is deep and slow. Your stomach is quiet and steady. Your legs and feet are comfortable and relaxed. Your mind slows down to a pleasant speed. You feel free to just be yourself, in balance, and let everything just be as it is.
As it reaches your destination, the train stops. You pick up your heavy, black bag and step off the train. You have just a few more streets to walk to your special place.
The bag is too heavy, but you know it will be over soon. You feel stronger now, determined, and enthusiastic.
Here you are, in front of a large gate. You open it with effort. You are in your private garden. It’s been a long time since you were here last time. It looks neglected. No one was taking care of it while you were occupied with your sadness and pain. You step on the path that leads through the garden. There are no flowers, nor grass. Where there were weeds, there are no flowers.
You go to an old tree on the backside of the garden. There’s a spade recumbent to the tree. You are taking it and starting to dig. You are digging a hole in the shade of the tree. Once the digging is done, you open the bag, curious to find out what was the heavy baggage you carried around.
To your surprise, the bag is full of your worries, your fears, sadness, anger, and regrets. You can see them as large, heavy stones. It’s time to bury them. Visualize you are taking the rocks, one by one, and drop them in the hole. Name your stones by your hard feelings and mentally say to each of them while laying it into the ground, “I’m letting you go.”
Let go of sadness. Let go of regrets.
Let go of anger.
Let go of self-doubt. Let go of resentment. Let go of bitterness. Let go of monotony. Let go of hatred.
Let go of jealousy. Let go of misery.
Let go of helplessness.
Let go of hopelessness. Let go of fears.
Let go of the pain. Let go of suffering.
Let go of everything that makes you feel bad.
Let go of sadness. Let go of regrets. Let go of anger.
Let go of self-doubt.
Let go of resentment. Let go of bitterness. Let go of monotony. Let go of hatred.
Let go of jealousy. Let go of misery.
Let go of helplessness. Let go of hopelessness. Let go of fears.
Let go of the pain. Let go of suffering.
Let go of everything that makes you feel bad.
Do this as long as you need to bury all of the stones from your bag. In the end, bury the bag, too. Bury the hole and feel the relief.
Go back to an old bench in the middle of the garden. Take a seat and enjoy the feeling of ease and freedom. Feel the lightness. Notice the sun is shining through the trees. Look around. Nurturing this garden will need just a little energy to fix everything and bring its old glow. Taking care of this place is the priority now. You’ll enjoy every moment of it and the results.
Rest deeply in your garden, imaging its final look when you take care of everything. Inhale the sunlight. Exhale peace. Look at colorful flowers. Smell the roses. Feel the enthusiasm. Realize that your journey brought you here to remind you of who you really are. Your old self is back. Smile to who you really are. Enjoy watching the dance of light and shadows in your garden, and mentally say to yourself:
I am free.
I am relaxed.
I am peaceful.
I am grateful.
I am light.
I am happy.
I am energetic.
I am full of love.
I am calm.
I am safe.
I am powerful.
I am joyful.
Life is good.
Life is colorful.
Life is magnificent.
I love myself.
I know my value.
I appreciate myself.
I accept myself.
I love life.
I am free.
I am relaxed.
I am peaceful.
I am grateful.
I am light.
I am happy.
I am energetic.
I am full of love.
I am calm.
I am safe.
I am powerful.
I am joyful.
Life is good.
Life is colorful.
Life is magnificent.
I love myself.
I know my value.
I appreciate myself.
I accept myself.
I love life.
I am free.
I am relaxed.
I am peaceful.
I am grateful.
I am light.
I am happy.
I am energetic.
I am full of love.
I am calm.
I am safe.
I am powerful.
I am joyful.
Life is good.
Life is colorful.
Life is magnificent.
I love myself.
I know my value.
I appreciate myself.
I accept myself.
I love life.
I am free.
I am relaxed.
I am peaceful.
I am grateful.
I am light.
I am happy.
I am energetic.
I am full of love.
I am calm.
I am safe.
I am powerful.
I am joyful.
Life is good.
Life is colorful.
Life is magnificent.
I love myself.
I know my value.
I appreciate myself.
I accept myself.
I love life.
Breathe deeply and smile to yourself with every exhale.
Enjoy for a while in this relaxed state, feeling warm sunlight on your skin. You can take this feeling with you.
When you come back from this trip to your usual daily life, you will have a completely different perspective.
Your private garden will always be there for you, and you can come back whenever you wish.
When you feel ready, gently open your eyes and go on with your usual daily activities. Or, you can drift off to sleep and have a relaxing, deep rest.
Create Meditations Like a Pro
Want to lead your own meditation sessions but not sure how to get started? Our guided meditation scripts are the answer!
They’re designed to be easy to read aloud, whether you’re addressing a group or flying solo. Plus, you can record your readings and share them online, and use them to spice up your own meditation sessions.
And if you want to offer a full meditation course, these scripts are perfect for that too!


Boosts Your Confidence and Skills
Leading a meditation session requires much confidence and skill to maintain a calming and peaceful ambiance.
With guided meditation scripts, you don’t need to worry about speaking what is on your mind.
Our scripts are designed to give you the right words at the right time, enabling you to build your confidence and deliver an excellent experience for your audience.
Helps You Create Audio and Video Recordings
Guided imagery scripts allow you to create high-quality recordings that you can share with your followers, clients, or sell as part of your business.
Whether you’re creating YouTube videos that attract thousands of viewers or building a membership-based meditation course, our scripts are adaptable for various mediums, giving you infinite possibilities for sharing your work.


Increases Your Credibility
As a meditation leader, you want your audience to trust your abilities to provide a calm and peaceful experience.
Using guided meditation scripts increases your credibility and positions you as a knowledgeable leader in meditation.
You will provide your clients with quality instruction and reliable content that will put their minds at ease.
Provides Inspiration and New Ideas
If you’re someone who struggles to come up with new and creative ways to lead your meditation, our guided meditation scripts will give you inspiration and new ideas.
You can use our scripts to focus on different aspects of meditation, like relaxation, mindful breathing, or visualization.
You can also add to or alter the script to suit your needs.


Who Are These Scripts For?
Whether you’re a pro or just starting out, our guided meditation scripts are tailored to suit your needs. Perfect for:
- meditation teacher or practitioner
- yoga instructor
- coach and counselor
- therapist
- mental health professional
- psychologist and psychotherapist
- voiceover artist
- content creator
- podcaster
- writer
- athlete
- app developer
- blogger
Our Guided Meditation Scripts Will Help You:
- Improve your meditation-leading confidence and skills
- Create audio and video recordings for your business
- Grow your business by increasing your credibility
- Find inspiration and new ideas for your own meditation(s)
- Read aloud to individuals or groups
- Enhance your self-improvement journey


What You Will Receive
Get ready to receive gorgeously designed PDF files that are a breeze to read, follow, and comprehend. Say goodbye to confusion and hello to clarity with our easy-to-use format.
These scripts can help you increase mindfulness and reduce stress, anxiety, depression, and overwhelm using proven techniques and methods.
To ensure the best experience, we suggest using a desktop device for your initial download.
- Create audio and video recordings that you can use for your business (including apps, YouTube, courses, and podcasts). You can share these recordings online and/or play them during sessions you lead
- Grow your business
- Use these scripts in courses you create, share, and sell
- Use these scripts privately and with your clients
- Edit and customize

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This script has been crafted with love and formatted in a clear, organized layout, making it easy to read aloud for individuals or groups. It is suitable for personal and professional use, including YouTube videos and monetization, and for voiceover recordings.
Use this script to lead your own meditation, edit or alter the script to suit your needs, use it in courses you create and sell, or use it privately with your clients.
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- Digital file type(s): 1 PDF
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Frequently Asked Questions
How can I utilize the scripts? What am I not allowed to do with?
You can use them to lead sessions for individuals or groups, record audio and video versions to share online or sell, or even create your own courses. And if you prefer to keep things private, they’re perfect for your personal practice too. Just remember: these PDF files are for your use only and cannot be resold or rebranded without permission.
Can I edit the scripts?
Of course! Feel free to customize the language and make it your own so you can confidently guide others in a way that feels natural to you. Just remember, don’t resell the PDF files as they are or with your own branding.
How long are the scripts?
Our scripts can range in length from just 5 minutes to a maximum of 45-60 minutes, depending on the script you purchase and how much silence you’d like in between sections. We believe in giving you the freedom to choose what works best for you.
What's the format of the scripts? Are they written, audio, or video?
Our scripts are available in a beautifully designed and easy-to-read format as separate PDF files. They are hassle-free to follow and understand. You are absolutely free to record audio or videos using the scripts and monetize them. Let your creativity soar!
When will I receive the scripts?
Good news, you won’t have to wait for anything in the mail. Our Scripts are completely digital, so as soon as you order, everything can be downloaded right from the internet! And the best part? Instant online access to the Scripts is all yours. No delays, no fuss.
Can I save the scripts to my computer? Do they work with my computer, phone, and tablet?
Once you’ve placed your order, you’ll have immediate access to the scripts and can easily download them onto your computer. Plus, since the files are in PDF format, you can use them on any device – from a computer to a tablet or mobile phone. To ensure the smoothest experience, we recommend downloading the scripts onto a desktop computer for your first go-around.
I have purchased a Bundle and received a ZIP file. How do I open it?
After you finish downloading, head to the ZIP file on your computer. Simply right-click (or control-click for Mac users) on the file. A menu should appear with options like Extract, Extract All, or Unzip. If none of these options are visible, consider downloading a free program that can unpack ZIP files such as WinRAR or 7Zip. Choose one of the menu options, and follow the instructions that appear. This should create a new folder containing the contents of the ZIP file. Easy peasy!