Please get ready for yoga nidra. Lie down in shavasana, your body stretched out, feet apart, the palms of the hands turned upwards and your eyes closed.
Make all the necessary adjustments so that you are as comfortable as possible, there must be no movement, neither conscious nor unconscious.
Remember that you are about to practice yoga nidra, psychic sleep, and that you have only to maintain awareness of hearing and feeling.
The body sleeps but the mind remains awake . . . you must remain alert so that you do not sleep. Say to yourself mentally: ‘I will not sleep, I will remain awake’.
Take a deep breath and as you breathe in feel coolness and calmness spreading throughout the body . . . as you breathe out, feel your cares and worries flowing out of you, dropping away.
(long pause)
Become aware of your body and relax yourself completely, make yourself physically calm and steady.
Feel that the legs are relaxed, the trunk, the head, the arms and hands.
Develop the awareness of your physical body right from the top of your head to the tips of the toes, and say in your mind O-o-o-m-m-m .
Complete awareness of the whole body . . . say to yourself again O-o-o-m-m-m.
Relax your whole body mentally, relax yourself mentally, relax yourself by breathing normally and becoming aware of the breath as it moves between the navel and throat.
Awareness of your natural breath, no forcing.
Navel to throat breathing, please go on with this awareness and slowly feel yourself becoming more relaxed.
(long pause)
Now leave your breathing and become aware that you are going to practise yoga nidra. Yoga nidra begins now.
Now is the time to make your resolve.
Be consistent, plant the resolve at one place and do not change it. Certainly the resolve will come true if the soil is perfect.
Repeat your resolve with feeling and awareness three times.
Rotation of consciousness
Awareness of the parts of the body . . . the consciousness should move around the body and keep on moving.
As it moves it changes into prana, the vital energy, in the form of a current of energy. Do not concentrate on any one part, but let your mind jump freely from one part to the next.
Right side
Right hand thumb, second finger, third, fourth, fifth, palm, back of the hand, wrist, lower arm, elbow, upper arm, shoulder, armpit, waist, hip, right thigh, kneecap, calf muscle, ankle, heel, sole, top of the foot, right toes, one, two, three, four, five . . .
Left side
Left hand thumb, second finger, third, fourth, fifth, palm of the hand, back of the hand, wrist, lower arm, elbow, upper arm, shoulder, armpit, waist, hip, left thigh, kneecap, calf muscle, ankle, heel, sole, top of the foot, left toes, one, two, three, four, five . . .
Right side reverse
Go to the right toes, and start from the bottom. Right big toe, second toe, third, fourth, fifth, top of the foot, sole, heel, ankle, calf muscle, kneecap, thigh, hip, waist, armpit, shoulder, upper arm, elbow, lower arm, wrist, back of the hand, palm of the hand, right thumb, second finger, third, fourth, fifth . . .
Left side reverse
Go to the left toes. Left big toe, second toe, third, fourth, fifth, top of the foot, sole, heel, ankle, calf muscle, kneecap, thigh, hip, waist, armpit, shoulder, upper arm, elbow, upper arm, lower arm, wrist, back of the hand, palm of the hand, left thumb, second finger, third, fourth, fifth . . .
Whole back down
Go to the back of the body. Go to the back of the head, where it touches the floor. Back of the head, right shoulder blade, left shoulder blade, whole spine, right hip, left hip, right buttock, left buttock, back of the right thigh, back of the left thigh, back of the right knee, back of the left knee, right calf muscle, left calf muscle, right ankle, left ankle, right heel, left heel . . .
Whole back up
Right ankle, left ankle, right calf muscle, left calf muscle, back of the right knee, back of the left knee, back of the right thigh, back of the left thigh, right buttock, left buttock, right hip, left hip, whole spine, right shoulder blade, left shoulder blade, back of the head . . .
Whole front down
Go to the front of the body, go to the top of the head. Top of the head, forehead, right eyebrow, left eyebrow, the space between the eyebrows, right eyelid, left eyelid, right eye, left eye, right ear, left ear, right nostril, left nostril, right cheek, left cheek, upper lip, lower lip, chin, jaw, throat, right collarbone, left collarbone, right chest, left chest, middle of the chest, navel, upper abdomen, lower abdomen, right groin, left groin, right thigh, left thigh, right knee, left knee, right toes, left toes . . .
Whole front up
Right toes, left toes, right knee, left knee, right thigh, left thigh, right groin, left groin, lower abdomen, upper abdomen, navel, right chest, left chest, middle of the chest, right collarbone, left collarbone, throat, jaw, chin, lower lip, upper lip, right cheek, left cheek, right nostril, left nostril, right ear, left ear, right eye, left eye, right eyelid, left eyelid, right eyebrow, left eyebrow, eyebrow centre, forehead, top of the head . . .
Major parts
Now the major parts of the body. The whole of the right leg, whole of the left leg, both legs . . . together. Whole of the right arm, whole of the left arm, both arms . . . together; whole of the back . . . together; whole of the front . . . together; whole of the head . . . together; the whole body, whole body, whole body. Visualize the whole body.
Intensify your awareness . . . the whole body, the whole body, the whole body.
(long pause)
Body/mirror awareness
Become aware of the meeting points between your body and the floor.
Feel the meeting points between the body and the floor . . . sharp meeting points . . . body and floor.
Feel the floor holding you to its bosom, like a baby in arms.
(long pause)
Now concentrate on your body as if you are seeing it from the outside, look on your body as an object.
See your head, your clothes, your whole body from top to bottom, lying in the dead man’s pose on the floor.
See your body as an object, a reflection in an imaginary mirror.
You are looking at your own reflection in the mirror and you see your self lying on the floor . . . your feet, your legs, abdomen, chest, arms, hands, clothing, nose, closed eyes, forehead, hair . . . everything reflected in that mirror.
Awareness of your body as an object.
Make sure you are not sleeping.
(long pause)
Bring your attention to the natural, quiet breath. Become aware of the breath through the nostrils.
The natural breath flows through both nostrils . . . and meets at the top of the nose to form a triangle.
The spontaneous breath enters through the nostril openings . . . moves upwards and draws together to form a triangle with its apex in the eyebrow centre.
Be aware of the breath passing through both nostrils . . . become aware of both breaths, separately . . . and simultaneously.
Think of the breaths as starting separately from a distance, drawing near . . . and uniting in the eyebrow centre.
Now concentrate on each breath and try to determine its temperature . . . move back and forth and compare the temperatures.
In yoga we say the left nostril breath is ida, moon, and the right is pingala, sun.
Ida, the left breath, is cooler; pingala, the right breath, is warmer.
Continue your awareness of breathing, but imagine you are now breathing through alternate nostrils . . . in through one nostril, and out through the other; up and down the sides of the triangle and back again.
Maintain your awareness and start counting each breath with full attention; inhale left 54, exhale right 54, inhale right 53, exhale left 53, and so on . . . continue counting and breathing to zero.
(long pause)
Total awareness of counting and breathing. If you make a mistake or reach zero, start again from 54.
(long pause)
Stop your counting and remain aware of the breath only . . . inhaling evenly through both nostrils; total awareness, no sleeping, no sleeping please.
(long pause)
Awareness of sensations
Heaviness; awaken the experience of heaviness in the whole body.
Become aware of heaviness in each part of the body as it is named: toes, heels, ankles, calves, knees, thighs, buttocks, back, abdomen, chest, shoulders, arms, palms, head, eyelids, the whole body . . . heavy, the whole body . . . heavy, the whole body . . . heavy.
Experience this feeling of heaviness in the whole body.
Lightness; manifest the experience of lightness in the body.
Manifest the feeling of lightness from the top . . . from the top of the head, the whole head, shoulders, palms, back, chest, abdomen, thighs, knees, calves, heels, soles, toes. Manifest the experience of lightness in the whole body from top to toe.
The lightness of the body can be developed by feeling the meeting points between the body and the floor . . . point by point, or as a whole, a whole surface of body-floor meeting.
Concentrate on this area of meeting and gradually experience lightness.
Feel yourself floating up from the floor . . . you are so light that you are floating to the ceiling, drifting back and forth.
Continue this experience until lightness is manifest, go on.
Pain; recollect the experience of pain, any kind of pain you have experienced in your life . . . head pain, stomach pain, any physical pain or mental pain.
Everyone has experienced pain at some time in his life . . . remember that pain, feel that pain.
Try to make that experience of pain as clear as possible . . . deepen your awareness and feel that pain intensely . . . acutely.
Continue to concentrate on the experience of pain.
Pleasure; try to experience the feeling of pleasure, any pleasure.
Concentrate and remember the feeling of pleasure . . . it may be according to your sense of touch, smell, taste, hearing or sight . . . any kind of mental pleasure.
Recall that pleasure and try to develop it into an intense ecstatic experience.
(long pause)
Inner space
Think of an ocean . . . think of a dark blue ocean and become aware of the waves.
That ocean lies within the inner space, the chidakasha, and the rolling waves represent sleep . . . the manifesting unconscious state of your mind.
Become aware of sleep and try to visualize this state of unconsciousness within you, like waves on an ocean.
Above is a beautiful blue sky and below is the vast ocean with infinite waves . . . the manifesting process of unconsciousness.
(long pause)
Imagine a well, imagine a well and that you are looking into it. The well is dark and deep . . . a cylindrical tunnel into the depths of the earth.
There is a bucket on a chain; you lower it into the well . . . and it moves into abysmal darkness . . . you can feel it on the chain, in the depths . . . but you cannot see it.
Now pull the bucket up, up out of the darkness and into the light . . . let’s lower the bucket again, but this time if you wish, you can get into the bucket, and I will lower you down and pull you up again, perfectly safely.
Now the bucket is winding down, you are descending slowly through the light and moving into darkness . . . unknown, all-pervading darkness.
Complete darkness and emptiness all around . . . so dark you cannot see yourself, but you can know and feel that you are.
You descend a little further, with complete awareness that you are.
Now I am winding you up, up through the darkness . . . and into the dim light; from the dim light into daylight and out of the well.
Spontaneous thought
Now ask yourself: ‘What am I thinking?’ . . . do not ‘think’ but become aware of the spontaneous thought process . . . become a witness, do not suppress any thought.
Try to witness your thoughts and ask yourself again and again: ‘What am I thinking?’
At the same time, maintain total awareness of any thought that is passing through the visible frame of your consciousness.
(long pause)
Now you have to concentrate on yourself as if you are doing asanas, yogic poses. You should try to visualize yourself from the outside doing the poses with psychic awareness only . . . do not move your body.
Practice mentally surya namaskara , salute to the sun. See yourself in each of the poses, 1,2,3 . . . to 12.
Now you are lying down, visualize yourself in shavasana , dead man’s pose . . . from shavasana you move to sarvangasana , shoulderstand; halasana , plough; and the counterpose matsyasana , fish; now paschimottanasana , forward bend; bhujangasana, cobra . . . turning over, padmasana , lotus; and then sirshasana , headstand. Check that you are not sleeping.
(long pause)
Movement in time
Now you are going to travel into your past, in the same way you have travelled from the past to the present . . . retracing the steps of your memory and consciousness backwards from this time. The past is part of time and time is part of your mind. Normally you walk forward in time . . . this time try and walk backwards. By remembering your past you are going into the deeper recesses of your consciousness.
Try to remember what happened from the present time to the time you got up this morning . . . you have to go back in time as if you were watching a film running in reverse, or if not a film, a series of slides.
Remember back to the start of the yoga nidra, then recall what you were doing in the half hour before that.
Remember the important objects and feelings in that time, and then keep on proceeding in half hour or one hour stages, to when you woke up.
(long pause)
Stage by stage, with full awareness, visualize and recall what you were doing, thinking and feeling.
When you have finished, bring your mind directly back to the present.
(long pause)
Rapid image
Bring your awareness to the present and make sure you are not sleeping, no sleeping please. I am going to name a few objects and you should try to visualize them on the levels of feeling, awareness, emotion and imagination as best you can.
You should move as fast as I go, jumping your mind from image to image; do not waste your time concentrating on any one image, but keep moving. Shivalingam . . . standing Christ . . . flickering candle . . . weeping willow tree . . . tall palm tree . . . car moving on a road . . . dead body burning over a fire . . . coloured clouds gathering . . . yellow clouds . . . blue clouds . . . starlit night . . . full moon . . . dog standing . . . cat reposing . . . elephant moving . . . horse racing . . . rising sun . . . setting sun . . . ocean with waves . . . shivalingam . . . standing Christ . . . a big pond with clear water . . . blue lotus . . . white lotus . . . pink lotus . . . golden spiderweb . . . sandy bank of a wide river . . . boat sailing on the water . . . see the ripples . . . dead body burning on a fire . . . human skeletons . . . yourself lying down without clothes . . . completely naked . . . golden cord extending from your navel into the sky . . . cross over a church . . . within the church a priest praying . . . worshipper kneeling . . . chimney smoke rising from an old house . . . a cold winter . . . a fire burning in the house . . . dawn of the day . . . temple bell ringing . . . a monk with shaven head . . . a yogi sitting in deep meditation . . . Buddha in repose . . . Christ showing compassion.
Intensify your awareness, intensify your awareness and go to an infinite ocean, calm and quiet . . . and try to discover a sound there.
There is a sound, an infinite ocean, dark green jungles on the shore, snakes, lions, and goats living in friendliness.
From the shore a path leads to a lonely cottage in the jungle . . . and a yogi is sitting outside in lotus pose. (pause) There is a fire and a smell of incense, the fragrance of flowers, and an atmosphere of tranquility.
All around can be heard the sound of Om , the chanting of Om over the infinite ocean.
(long pause)
Golden egg
Become a witness of your awareness . . . not the body, not the senses, not the mind, nothing but the different awareness.
Become aware that you are observing yourself.
Look within and try to be aware of the one who is looking, who is aware of what you have been doing so far.
Go into chidakasha . . . go into the cave of chidakasha. Within that cave there is a flaming light . . . find that light.
Find that light and find a small golden egg in the centre of the light . . . a small golden egg, very bright, with light all around.
(long pause)
Resolve, resolve, resolve . . . now you should remember your resolve and repeat it three times.
With maximum feeling and awareness, three times.
Now relax all efforts and bring your attention to the natural breath, the natural breath flowing in and out of the nostrils.
(long pause)
Maintain your awareness of the breath and at the same time develop your awareness of physical relaxation. (pause) Awareness of relaxation . . . and awareness of your physical existence; become aware of the physical existence of your body.
(long pause)
Develop awareness of your body and visualize your body lying on the floor.
Take your mind out and visualize the surrounding room, let your mind become completely external . . . do not open your eyes.
You are practicing yoga nidra, become aware of this fact.
Lie quietly until your attention is completely externalized. Start moving, moving your body and stretching yourself . . . please take your time, there is no hurry.
When you are sure that you are wide awake, sit up slowly and open your eyes. The practice of yoga nidra is now complete.
Create Yoga Nidra Meditations Like a Pro
Want to lead your own Yoga Nidra meditation sessions but not sure how to get started? Our Yoga Nidra scripts are the answer!
They’re designed to be easy to read aloud, whether you’re addressing a group or flying solo. Plus, you can record your readings and share them online, and use them to spice up your own meditation sessions.
And if you want to offer a full Yoga Nidra meditation course, these scripts are perfect for that too!

Boosts Your Confidence and Skills
Leading a Yoga Niddra session requires much confidence and skill to maintain a calming and peaceful ambiance.
With Yoga Nidra scripts, you don’t need to worry about speaking what is on your mind.
Our scripts are designed to give you the right words at the right time, enabling you to build your confidence and deliver an excellent experience for your audience.
Helps You Create Audio and Video Recordings
Yoga Nidra scripts allow you to create high-quality recordings that you can share with your followers, clients, or sell as part of your business.
Whether you’re creating YouTube videos that attract thousands of viewers or building a membership-based meditation course, our scripts are adaptable for various mediums, giving you infinite possibilities for sharing your work.

Increases Your Credibility
As a Yoga teacher, you want your audience to trust your abilities to provide a calm and peaceful experience.
Using Yoga Nidra scripts increases your credibility and positions you as a knowledgeable leader in meditation.
You will provide your clients with quality instruction and reliable content that will put their minds at ease.
Provides Inspiration and New Ideas
If you’re someone who struggles to come up with new and creative ways to lead your meditation, our guided Yoga Nidra scripts will give you inspiration and new ideas.
You can also add to or alter the script to suit your needs.

Who Are These Scripts For?
Whether you’re a pro or just starting out, our Yoga Nidra meditation scripts are tailored to suit your needs. Perfect for:
- meditation teacher or practitioner
- yoga instructor
- coach and counselor
- therapist
- mental health professional
- psychologist and psychotherapist
- voiceover artist
- content creator
- podcaster
- writer
- athlete
- app developer
- blogger
Our Yoga Nidra Scripts Will Help You:
- Improve your meditation-leading confidence and skills
- Create audio and video recordings for your business
- Grow your business by increasing your credibility
- Find inspiration and new ideas for your own meditation(s)
- Read aloud to individuals or groups
- Enhance your self-improvement journey

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Get ready to receive gorgeously designed PDF files that are a breeze to read, follow, and comprehend. Say goodbye to confusion and hello to clarity with our easy-to-use format.
These scripts can help you increase mindfulness and reduce stress, anxiety, depression, and overwhelm using proven techniques and methods.
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- Create audio and video recordings that you can use for your business (including apps, YouTube, courses, and podcasts). You can share these recordings online and/or play them during sessions you lead
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- Use these scripts in courses you create, share, and sell
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This script has been crafted with love and formatted in a clear, organized layout, making it easy to read aloud for individuals or groups. It is suitable for personal and professional use, including YouTube videos and monetization, and for voiceover recordings.
Use this script to lead your own Yoga Nidra meditation, edit or alter the script to suit your needs, use it in courses you create and sell, or use it privately with your clients.
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Frequently Asked Questions
How can I utilize the scripts? What am I not allowed to do with?
You can use them to lead sessions for individuals or groups, record audio and video versions to share online or sell, or even create your own courses. And if you prefer to keep things private, they’re perfect for your personal practice too. Just remember: these PDF files are for your use only and cannot be resold or rebranded without permission.
Can I edit the scripts?
Of course! Feel free to customize the language and make it your own so you can confidently guide others in a way that feels natural to you. Just remember, don’t resell the PDF files as they are or with your own branding.
How long are the scripts?
Our scripts can range in length from just 5 minutes to a maximum of 45-60 minutes, depending on the script you purchase and how much silence you’d like in between sections. We believe in giving you the freedom to choose what works best for you.
What's the format of the scripts? Are they written, audio, or video?
Our scripts are available in a beautifully designed and easy-to-read format as separate PDF files. They are hassle-free to follow and understand. You are absolutely free to record audio or videos using the scripts and monetize them. Let your creativity soar!
When will I receive the scripts?
Good news, you won’t have to wait for anything in the mail. Our Scripts are completely digital, so as soon as you order, everything can be downloaded right from the internet! And the best part? Instant online access to the Scripts is all yours. No delays, no fuss.
Can I save the scripts to my computer? Do they work with my computer, phone, and tablet?
Once you’ve placed your order, you’ll have immediate access to the scripts and can easily download them onto your computer. Plus, since the files are in PDF format, you can use them on any device – from a computer to a tablet or mobile phone. To ensure the smoothest experience, we recommend downloading the scripts onto a desktop computer for your first go-around.
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After you finish downloading, head to the ZIP file on your computer. Simply right-click (or control-click for Mac users) on the file. A menu should appear with options like Extract, Extract All, or Unzip. If none of these options are visible, consider downloading a free program that can unpack ZIP files such as WinRAR or 7Zip. Choose one of the menu options, and follow the instructions that appear. This should create a new folder containing the contents of the ZIP file. Easy peasy!