15 Minute Visualization Script for Motivation & Self-Confidence

330 Positive Affirmations for Self-Confidence & Self-Esteem

Do you struggle with self-confidence or self-esteem?

If so, you’re not alone. We all have moments where we doubt ourselves or feel down.

But the good news is that there are ways to boost our confidence and build our self-esteem. One helpful tool is positive affirmations.

These are short, simple phrases that you can repeat to yourself to remind you of your worth and capabilities.

And with 330 affirmations to choose from, you’re sure to find ones that resonate with you.

So whether you’re looking to overcome social anxiety, work on your body image, or simply feel more confident in your day-to-day life, give these affirmations a try and see how they can make a positive difference.

  1. ‘I recognize the power of my mind in shaping my confidence.’ 
  2. ‘I embody unique confidence inside which radiates outside. My outer world is a reflection of my inner world.’ 
  3. ‘Like a lion, I am strong and centered, and humble yet powerful.’ 
  4. ‘I speak my truth clearly and with conviction.’ 
  5. ‘Confidence is a beautiful quality to possess. I know it, I see it, and I embody it.’ 
  6. ‘I use my mind as a tool and aim to enhance my perceptive sight daily.’ 
  7. ‘Through meditation, affirmation, and hypnosis, confidence can be mine forever.’ 
  8. ‘I fully believe in myself.’ 
  9. ‘My faith and conviction are strong. When I allow them to be strong, the world allows me to be.’
  10. ‘I am healthy, strong, insightful, and successful in my mindset. This radiates out to the world.’ 
  11. ‘When I shine inside I can achieve my goals and dreams.’ 
  12. ‘I remember the importance of breath in releasing all worries and concerns.’
  13. ‘I recognize my gifts and talents and fully embrace them.’ 
  14. ‘My strength lies in my ability to see my own self-worth.’ 
  15. ‘Self-esteem is a part of me; it is who I am and who I choose to be.’ 
  16. ‘I am unique, independent, and sovereign.’ 
  17. ‘I welcome success into my life.’ 
  18. ‘I have self-worth and self-respect and amplify them through my intentions.’ 
  19. ‘My gifts and talents are mine alone. No one can take them away from me.’ 
  20. ‘When I practice self-respect, others will naturally respect me.’ 
  21. ‘My masculinity is a gift. I step into it with honor and appreciation.’ 
  22. ‘I am not defined by my past nor in the future set in stone.’ 
  23. ‘Humility and success are in harmony with my self-esteem.’ 
  24. ‘I bring balance into my life through acceptance and recognition of my strengths.’
  25. ‘I step into my power with confidence and clarity.’ 
  26. ‘My work is a reflection of my mindset.’ 
  27. ‘I am able to express myself when in tune with my truth.’ 
  28. ‘I am brave, bold, and courageous. I now see this clearly.’
  29. ‘When I am centered and aligned within, my boundaries are strong.’ 
  30. ‘Life, love, and success are in synergy. I recognize the importance of balance for healthy assertiveness and success.’ 
  31. ‘By embodying assertiveness, I am increasing my self-worth and self-respect.’ 
  32. ‘When I assert myself healthily, others recognize my power.’ 
  33. ‘My gifts and abilities can truly shine when I practice daily assertions.’ 
  34. ‘With strength, surety, and clarity, I am able to speak my truth.’ 
  35. ‘I have a love for myself. Compassion and self-care are not emasculate but the feminine aspects of myself within.’ 
  36. ‘My mind is a vessel for assertiveness to shine through.’
  37. ‘Like a mighty tree, I am strong and centered within.’ 
  38. ‘I recognize the importance of nature in providing me strength.’ 
  39. ‘Confidence is here to stay, providing I stick to my meditation and affirmations.’ 
  40. ‘Although I embrace my masculine, I recognize the importance of balance and energy.’
  41. ‘My confidence comes from knowing myself.’ 
  42. ‘The universe can provide me great wisdom and teachings to aid in my self-confidence.’
  43. ‘Whenever I feel low or down, I remind myself of everything I have achieved.’ 
  44. ‘I am successful and confident when I am following my calling.’ 
  45. ‘Confidence is the result of an action, hard work, intention, and success.’ 
  46. ‘I learn that I can only truly embody confidence when I accept my follies and flaws.’ 
  47. ‘Life is imperfectly perfect and this is where I draw my wisdom.’ 
  48. ‘When I follow my passions with clarity and conviction I am able to achieve my dreams.’
  49. ‘My family and friends love and support me. I am cherished.’ 
  50. ‘By spending time with those I love, my self-worth and self-esteem increase.’ 
  51. ‘My self-esteem is amplified with the ability to express myself.’ 
  52. ‘I honor my emotions and inner feelings to live the life I long for.’ 
  53. ‘Without healthy expression and communication, I would not be who I am.’ 
  54. ‘I deserve abundance, prosperity, and financial success in life. I now welcome these things into my world.’ 
  55. ‘Life is supposed to be experienced in balance. Self-esteem is a result of balance in my life.’
  56. ‘I am supported, loved, and seen by the universe. I am never alone on my journey.’ 
  57. ‘I embrace my unique gifts as a man and step into my power without apology.’ 
  58. ‘Talent is defined by the ability to accept myself.’ 
  59. ‘Self-esteem is the result of a healthy self-worth.’ 
  60. ‘When I respect myself and shine my light, others will respect me too.’
  61. ‘I take charge at work and step into my position with ease.’ 
  62. ‘I strive to be the best me I can be at all times.’
  63. ‘I balance respect and cooperation with my colleagues with my personal goals and ambitions.’
  64. ‘When I shine at work, others are allowed to shine.’ 
  65. ‘I admit my mistakes and overcome them with ease, humility, and dignity.’ 
  66. ‘Confidence and self-respect come easy when I am passionate about what I do.’ 
  67. ‘I am sovereign, independent, and autonomous in my career.’ 
  68. ‘Respect, appreciation, and positive thoughts at work are essential.’ 
  69. ‘When I have clear goals and ambitions, I can live life with a healthy and profound assertion.’ 
  70. ‘Regardless of whether I am a boss or employee, I strive for bliss and protection in my workspace.’ 
  71. ‘I am able to speak confidently and with conviction and recognize my own authority within.’
  72. ‘My close relationships give me the confidence and assurance I need.’ 
  73. ‘I thrive in life when I accept the support and love from my friends and family.’ 
  74. ‘Everyone is a reflection and I learn through my mirrors.’ 
  75. ‘I wake up each morning and I smile at what I can create.’ 
  76. ‘I value my emotions and respect my truth.’ 
  77. ‘Connection, intimacy and closeness bring me the inner strength I need.’ 
  78. ‘I recognize the importance of family and community like a lion.’ 
  79. ‘Wisdom and emotional maturity come through my ability to connect.’ 
  80. ‘Through sharing and expressing, I can become more confident.’ 
  81. ‘Every day is a new chance for opportunity, learning, and growth.’ 
  82. ‘I find teaching in my follies and gain strengths from my mistakes and errors.’ 
  83. ‘Every day is a new day for authentic connection, honest and healthy communication and joy and happiness in my relationships.’
  84. ‘I take pride in my ability to produce the best work possible.’ 
  85. ‘I honor my goals and dreams and understand the importance of hard work.’ 
  86. ‘My career thrives when I learn how to honor and respect my gifts and abilities.’ 
  87. ‘Talent is a result of dedication, commitment, and perseverance. I possess these.’ 
  88. ‘I am at one with my chosen profession. I am excellent at what I do.’ 
  89. ‘My ability to thrive at work reflects in all areas of life.’ 
  90. ‘I have an amazing mind.’ 
  91. ‘My self-worth soars when I do what I love and love what I do.’ 
  92. ‘I take pride in my gifts and abilities and recognize my worth.’ 
  93. ‘My career is in harmony with my best interests.’ 
  94. ‘Knowledge and power come from within. I now embrace these.’ 
  95. ‘I am successful when I surrender to my unique talents.’
  96. ‘Today was a good day. I was true to myself in all I did and will be true to myself in all I do tomorrow.’ 
  97. ‘I recognize my worth and live with conviction.’ 
  98. ‘I aim to be the best in all I do for myself and those I love.’ 
  99. ‘I am not ruled by society’s expectations of me.’ 
  100. ‘The healthier I am, the better I am able to express myself.’ 
  101. ‘I release all stress from my life and stand my ground with strength.’ 
  102. ‘Courage and bravery define me. I am not afraid to speak my truth.’ 
  103. ‘Peace and prosperity fill up my life. The better I feel, the more I am able to assert myself.’ 10. ‘I am a holistic being. Life flows beautifully when I balance all areas of my life.’ 
  104. ‘I cannot change the past but I can create the future. I create a prosperous and abundant future by embracing my intent and the power of my mind.’ 
  105. ‘I am wise, centered, strong, and empathic. I know myself and am confident in my ability to display this to the world.’
  106. ‘Today is a new day. I am happy, healthy, and content to be alive.’ 
  107. ‘I wake up each morning with a clear plan for my life.’ 
  108. ‘I am committed to my goals and dreams and carry them out without issue.’ 
  109. ‘I embrace a positive mindset and release all negativity from my thinking.’ 
  110. ‘Conflict is a chance for growth, self-development and evolution. I embrace it in a mature and healthy way.’ 
  111. ‘Forward movement is a daily occurrence. I do not dwell on mistakes and errors from my past.’
  112. ‘Today, I will do something new.’ 
  113. ‘Passion, excitement and joy fill my life. I am brave to try new things.’ 
  114. ‘I do not need to seek approval from eyes of judgment. The only one who needs my approval is me.’
  115. ‘I am wise, sexy, intelligent, and centered. I deserve love and affection.’ 
  116. ‘Laughter is good for the soul. I now welcome laughter and joy into my life.’ 
  117. ‘I proceed with a happy heart and a healthy mind every day.’ 
  118. ‘Feeling and emotions come easy to me.’ 
  119. ‘I am not held back by my masculinity.’ 
  120. ‘The sun gives me strength, confidence, and peace of mind. I shine with him.’ 
  121. ‘I am able to converse with clarity, wit, and humor.’ 
  122. ‘Women are attracted to my personality and quirkiness. I am loveable!’ 
  123. ‘Success in my career allows me to shine in daily life. My personal life is on fire.’ 
  124. ‘Confidence fills my life with each breath I take. My weekends are pleasurable.’ 
  125. ‘Taking time to rest and recharge is good for my health, wealth, and mindset.’ 
  126. ‘I say what I mean and mean what I say.’ 
  127. ‘Self-care is both masculine and feminine.’ 
  128. ‘I nurture and nourish my body with respect to my mind.’ 
  129. ‘Personal hobbies and passions increase in my life.’ 
  130. ‘I align with paths that are in harmony with my best interests.’
  131. ‘I am a talented and unique individual.’ 
  132. ‘I reflect my work qualities and talents into my personal life.’ 
  133. ‘Success in my career allows me to shine every day.’ 
  134. ‘I am not defined by others’ false perceptions of me.’ 
  135. ‘I am aware of my worth.’ 
  136. ‘Ladies love my gifts and abilities.’ 
  137. ‘The opposite sex sees me for the man I am.’ 
  138. ‘I forgive myself for any past mistakes.’ 
  139. ‘I release all failures and setbacks from my burden.’ 
  140. ‘I love and respect myself. I now commit to self-love and self-respect now.’ 
  141. ‘When I meditate, I am better able to see my strengths for what they are.’
  142. ‘Passion and zest for life now fill my world.’ 
  143. ‘Hobbies, interests, and pastimes are essential to my self-esteem.’ 
  144. ‘I am worthy of the greatest love.’ 
  145. ‘I aim to heal myself mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually.’ 
  146. ‘I choose to eat foods high in life force that are good for my well-being.’ 
  147. ‘I respect myself enough to honor my gifts and abilities without apology.’ 
  148. ‘I go after what I want with passion and gusto.’ 
  149. ‘Life, love, and work are in synergy. I recognize one cannot thrive without the others.’ 
  150. ‘I am an amazing lover.’ 
  151. ‘Embodying the divine masculine allows me to be a better man.’ 
  152. ‘Opportunities, blessings and gifts are attracted to my life.’ 
  153. ‘I am perfect, despite my imperfections’ 
  154. ‘I am winning at life!’ 
  155. ‘Independence and personal power are now amplified in my life.’
  156. ‘I am able to speak my truth wherever I go.’ 
  157. ‘Peace, prosperity, and abundance are a birthright.’ 
  158. ‘I recognize my own power in shaping my personal abundance.’ 
  159. ‘Speaking with strangers and having healthy boundaries come easy to me.’ 
  160. ‘Personal projects, dreams, and aspirations are essential for a happy life.’ 
  161. ‘My mind is aligned with higher things.’ 
  162. ‘I respect myself wholly and completely.’ 
  163. ‘Taking charge comes easy to me.’ 
  164. ‘I am in control of my life.’ 
  165. ‘Experiences and situations are shaped by my doing.’ 
  166. ‘I recognize the importance of my intentions in creating the life I long for.’ 
  167. ‘People admire my ability to assert myself.’ 
  168. ‘Saying yes and meaning it is easy.’ 
  169. ‘Saying no and meaning it is easy.’ 
  170. ‘Healthy, honest, and mature communication is an essential part of life.’ 
  171. ‘I am fearless.’ 
  172. ‘I can assert myself with tact.’ 
  173. ‘Being sure of myself is welcomed into my life.’ 
  174. ‘The more I am able to assert myself, the more positive I am.’ 
  175. ‘I allow myself to feel and speak even when I feel resistance.’ 
  176. ‘I am cool and collected.’ 
  177. ‘Others recognize me when I speak my truth freely and without fear.’ 
  178. ‘Being assertive is a positive thing.’ 
  179. ‘Dignity and courage to be myself now enter my life.’ 
  180. ‘I am whole and complete within.’
  181. ‘I am confident in my ability to connect with new people.’ 
  182. ‘Each day is a new chance for growth.’ 
  183. ‘I am wealthy, healthy, and abundant.’ 
  184. ‘I deserve the best life.’ 
  185. ‘Success is a result of hard work and commitment in my career.’ 
  186. ‘I am able to talk with ease and grace.’ 
  187. ‘Dignity, humility, and intelligence define me.’ 
  188. ‘I enjoy engaging in exciting, life-enhancing activities.’ 
  189. ‘Entertainment allows me to shine inside.’ 
  190. ‘Regardless of where I go, I am aware of my unique talents and abilities.’ 
  191. ‘Flow and movement are healthy for my mind and sense of success.’ 
  192. ‘I am always open to learning and growth.’ 
  193. ‘Every moment is an opportunity to experience life to the fullest.’ 
  194. ‘When I look in the mirror I see myself with positive and friendly eyes.’ 
  195. ‘I release all critical judgments of myself from my life.’ 
  196. ‘I attract beautiful and blissful experiences.’ 
  197. ‘I am aware of the power of my mind.’ 
  198. ‘Emotions are here to serve me well. I embrace them.’ 
  199. ‘Confidence comes from the ability to know myself on a deeper level.’ 
  200. ‘I take steps to heal my spirit, body, and mind.’ 
  201. ‘I have a natural presence.’ 
  202. ‘My body language is warm, relaxed, and welcoming.’ 
  203. ‘I invite purity and new connections to my life.’ 
  204. ‘Conversations flow effortlessly when I am tuned into my higher mind.’ 
  205. ‘Wisdom and an inner sense of self-authority fill my life.’ 
  206. ‘I embrace the new opportunities manifesting in my life.’ 
  207. ‘Independence, self-autonomy, and inner peace are healthy.’ 
  208. ‘Excitement fills my cells and I feel alive!’ 
  209. ‘Holidays are a chance for new self-confidence to arise.’ 
  210. ‘I surrender to what life has in store.’
  211. ‘I am open to change and new experiences.’ 
  212. ‘I balance going with the flow with actively creating my life.’ 
  213. ‘Presence and power fill my cells.’ 
  214. ‘I remember my meditation when seeking new experiences.’ 
  215. ‘I take this newfound feeling of peace back to my work and relationships.’ 
  216. ‘Rest and relaxation are essential to my well-being.’ 
  217. ‘I am filled with harmony.’ 
  218. ‘Relaxation and rejuvenation lead to increased confidence.’ 
  219. ‘I look to the sun for inspiration.’ 
  220. ‘Nature reminds me of the divine simplicity of life.’ 
  221. ‘My confidence comes with my ability to step up in life.’
  222. ‘I am destined for greatness.’ 
  223. ‘The waters of the world can teach me a great deal about my nature.’ 
  224. ‘I embrace adventure as a healthy part of life.’ 
  225. ‘I am perfect just the way I am.’ 
  226. ‘No one judges me except myself.’ 
  227. ‘I am the master of my own destiny.’ 
  228. ‘Lightness fills me and leads to my sense of self.’ 
  229. ‘I am cool, confident and calm in everything I do.’ 
  230. ‘Interaction and connection are good for the soul.’
  231. ‘ I commit to a positive outlook every day.’ 
  232. ‘Every day is a chance for growth.’ 
  233. ‘I am wealthy, healthy, and wise, and project these qualities to the world.’ 
  234. ‘I love and accept myself for who I am.’ 
  235. ‘I honor myself for my gifts, talents, and abilities.’ 
  236. ‘I radiate positivity and warm and harmonious feelings.’ 
  237. ‘I do not seek validation from others.’ 
  238. ‘I am generously rewarded for my gifts.’ 
  239. ‘I give thanks to all that is manifesting in my life.’ 
  240. ‘Persistence and perseverance in my interests and passions are good qualities to possess.’ 
  241. ‘Self-reliance is the greatest art.’ 
  242. ‘Every problem is a chance for growth.’ 
  243. ‘Every setback is an opportunity for self-development.’ 
  244. ‘I am able to come up with solutions for any problem at hand.’ 
  245. ‘I am soul-driven and aligned with my highest joy.’ 
  246. ‘I remember my success every moment.’ 
  247. ‘The future does not yet exist and I am not limited by my past.’ 
  248. ‘I have the power to change my life for the better.’ 
  249. ‘Rejuvenation and rest allow me to thrive back home.’ 
  250. ‘My ability to see the positive in any situation is recognized by others.’ 
  251. ‘My colleagues respect and love me.’ 
  252. ‘I am appreciated and missed by my work team.’ 
  253. ‘I give priority to my passions and interests.’ 
  254. ‘I stay committed to my goals and aspirations.’ 
  255. ‘Optimism is the key to success.’ 
  256. ‘I attract new and stimulating experiences in my life.’ 
  257. ‘Bravery and courage are rewarded by the universe.’ 
  258. ‘I embody serenity and calmness and reflect this towards anyone I meet.’ 
  259. ‘The natural world provides great inspiration.’ 
  260. ‘I aim to inspire and be inspired.’ 
  261. ‘Like a lion, I am strong, centered, and true to my gifts and abilities.’ 
  262. ‘I let go of the need to compare.’
  263. ‘I am unique and sovereign.’ 
  264. ‘Self-autonomy increases in my life.’ 
  265. ‘Without a strong heart, I would not be able to achieve my goals.’ 
  266. ‘Peace of mind comes when I stay true to myself.’ 
  267. ‘Comparison does not serve me in any way; I am amazing just the way I am.’ 
  268. ‘I seek to hone in on my skills and abilities to become a better man.’ 
  269. ‘Without my courage, I would be nothing.’ 
  270. ‘I enjoy expressing myself creatively.’ 
  271. ‘Inspiration comes from learning and humility.’ 
  272. ‘I am an inspiring individual and others see this.’ 
  273. ‘Admiration and appreciation for others are beautiful qualities to possess.’ 
  274. ‘I allow myself to be loved and to be seen.’ 
  275. ‘I welcome new friendships and partnerships into my life.’ 
  276. ‘Every day is a new chance to take on the world.’ 
  277. ‘I am connected to everything around.’ 
  278. ‘I am safe and protected in both my body and my environment.’ 
  279. ‘When I look into the mirror, I see a lion!’ 
  280. ‘I am loved and cherished by some unknown power.’
  281. ‘I am confident beyond belief!’ 
  282. ‘Humility and confidence go hand in hand.’ 
  283. ‘I am able to assert myself to live out my dreams.’ 
  284. ‘Traveling is an opportunity for new life experiences.’ 
  285. ‘When meeting new people, I am centered and grounded, friendly and warm.’ 
  286. ‘I shine from the inside.’ 
  287. ‘People perceive me as having a natural presence.’ 
  288. ‘Women admire me for my intellect and wit.’ 
  289. ‘Wisdom and empathy are strengths of mine.’ 
  290. ‘I respect my needs and honor my holiday.’ 
  291. ‘I deserve the best in life.’ 
  292. ‘I am in control of my life and in harmony with the universe.’ 
  293. ‘Appreciation fills my life.’ 
  294. ‘I am in touch with my sensuality and inner needs.’ 
  295. ‘My body is a temple and I treat it as such.’ 
  296. ‘Food, drink, and indulgences are balanced in my life.’ 
  297. ‘I enjoy the finer things whilst respecting myself.’ 
  298. ‘I recognize that my ability to assert myself is linked with my ability to take care of myself.’ 
  299. ‘I am healthy, happy, and confident.’ 
  300. ‘When in a social situation, people appreciate my input.’ 
  301. ‘I can achieve whatever I put my mind to.’ 
  302. ‘My spirit is strong and it reflects in my mind.’ 
  303. ‘My emotions are in harmony with my masculinity.’
  304. ‘Values such as compassion, care, and empathy are important to me.’ 
  305. ‘I am allowed to be happy.’ 
  306. ‘Confidence shines on me just like the sun.’ 
  307. ‘Snow is a reflection of the soul.’ 
  308. ‘When I assert myself with dignity and respect I attract positive experiences into my life.’ 
  309. ‘Conflict is a chance for growth.’ 
  310. ‘I aim to be polite and courteous in everything that I do.’ 
  311. ‘Laughter and humor are essential to life.’ 
  312. ‘If I can see it in my mind’s eye, I can say it.’ 
  313. ‘Standing up for myself and those I love is essential.’ 
  314. ‘My strength comes from rest and rejuvenation.’ 
  315. ‘When I let go and lighten up, I am able to see the positive in life.’ 
  316. ‘My mind is a money magnet.’ 
  317. ‘Success and abundance increase with confidence.’ 
  318. ‘Swimming is good for my strength and my soul.’ 
  319. ‘I smile when I speak my truth.’ 
  320. ‘Authority is healthy when exerted correctly.’ 
  321. ‘I seek to cause no other harm.’ 
  322. ‘I am powerful and step fully into my power now.’ 
  323. ‘With great power comes great responsibility.’ 
  324. ‘I honor my duties and step into self-leadership.’ 
  325. ‘The future is a blank canvas to create.’ 
  326. ‘Productivity and perseverance are welcomed into my life.’ 
  327. ‘I am determined and can reach the status I deserve.’ 
  328. ‘Hard work, rest, and play are all welcome and balanced.’ 
  329. ‘I am an amazing human being.’ 
  330. ‘My manliness is defined by my ability to love and be loved.’
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