Preparation and Settling In
Take time to get comfortable on the floor, bed, or in a chair. Remove your glasses. If your hands are clean, start rubbing your palms up and down against each other. That’s right, keep it up, feeling your hands warming up.
After they’re nice and warm, place your palms over your closed eyes … allowing your eyes to be soothed by the darkness and the warmth … resting your eyes more and more … notice … Go ahead and rub or brush off your eyes and forehead for a while … and bring your hands down to your sides.
Align your head, neck, and back for good brain-body communication. Relax your shoulders down and away from your ears … Have your arms out to your sides with your palms gently turned up … let your fingers soften into relaxation … Adjust your body and any props so your low back, hips, legs, and feet feel supported. Please have your legs uncrossed and a comfortable distance apart.
Settle in, more and more. Feel free to make any adjustments to eliminate distractions in advance to lower the need to change positions later. If you do become uncomfortable, notice the sensations first, wait for the discomfort to clear, and then move with awareness if need be. Know that you’re still benefitting when your attention drifts in and out or even if you fall asleep.
This is your experience, so let it be customized for your optimal health and well-being. Take a nice big breath in through your nose and sigh it out through your mouth … Do this a few more times at your own pace.
Move your mouth and jaw all around, releasing tension … and bring your mouth to rest. Remind yourself that it’s time to relax into meditation and not for sleeping … Feel free to make movements or adjust your clothing for comfort.
Autogenic Training
Next, you will be given statements to silently repeat. There’s no need to analyze or try to make anything happen, just listen and repeat. You can bring your attention back whenever distractions arise.
Bring your attention to your right leg. Gently but firmly, press your leg down into whatever surface it’s on … feel it … and release, letting go … Please silently repeat after me: “My right leg is getting heavy … my right leg is getting heavier and heavier … my right leg is very heavy … my right leg is very, very heavy … I am really calm …” And let it happen, feeling the heaviness in your right leg and relaxing more and more, heavier and heavier. If it helps, imagine it being weighted down.
Move your attention to your left leg. Press it gently but firmly into the surface supporting it … feel it … and release, letting go … Please repeat silently, “My left leg is getting heavy … my left leg is getting heavier and heavier … my left leg is very heavy … my left leg is very, very heavy … I am really calm …” And let it happen, relaxing more and more … feeling the heaviness in your left leg.
Take your attention to your right arm. Press it down … feel it … and release …“My right arm is getting heavy … my right arm is getting heavier and heavier … my right arm is very heavy … my right arm is very, very heavy … I am really calm …” Let it happen, feeling the heaviness in your arm, sinking into relaxation more and more.
Take your attention to your left arm. Press it down … feel it … and release …“My left arm is getting heavy … my left arm is getting heavier and heavier … my left arm is very heavy … my left arm is very, very heavy … I am really calm …” Let it happen, feeling the heaviness in your arms, sensing into relaxing more and more.
“My whole body is getting heavier and heavier … my body is very heavy … my body is very, very heavy … I am really calm …” Relaxing more and more. And let it happen, feeling the sensations in your whole body.
There’s no need to try and make anything happen. Perhaps noticing the earth’s magnetic pull and sinking into it … perhaps feeling still and quiet … And if at any time you notice that your body starts feeling light and buoyant, let it happen. Simply noticing your experience.
Keep bringing your attention back if unnecessary distractions arise. Remind yourself in your own way to remain alert, awake, and present.
Have your attention on your right leg … Silently repeat after me, “My right leg is getting warm … my right leg is getting warmer and warmer … my right leg is very warm … my right leg is very, very warm … I am really calm …” Softening into relaxation, more and more, warmer and warmer … and let it happen, feeling the warmth in your right leg. If it helps, sense feeling your leg baking in the hot sunshine.
With your attention on the left leg. “My left leg is getting warm … my left leg is getting warmer and warmer … my left leg is very warm … feeling the warmth in your left leg … my left leg is very, very warm … I am really calm …” Sensing relaxation more and more, warmer and warmer, letting it happen as if the sun is warming it right up.
“My right arm is getting warm … my right arm is getting warmer and warmer … my right arm is very warm … my right arm is very, very warm … I am really calm. …” Relaxing more and more, warmer and warmer, and it’s happening.
“My left arm is getting warm … my left arm is getting warmer and warmer … my left arm is very warm … my left arm is very, very warm … I am really calm. …” Relaxing more and more, warmer and warmer, and it’s happening.
“My whole body is getting warmer and warmer … my whole body is very warm … my body is very, very warm … I am really calm …” Sensing relaxation, more and more. Letting it happen without trying, feeling the sensations in your whole body … And if at any time you notice that your body starts feeling light and buoyant, light as a feather, let it happen.
Simply noticing your experience. Keep bringing your attention back if unnecessary distractions arise.
Remind yourself in your own way to remain alert, awake, and present.
Healing Affirmations with Breathing Calmly
Silently repeating, “My breathing is calm … my breathing is calm … my breathing is calm … My breathing is smooth … my breathing is smooth … my breathing is smooth … My breathing is calm and smooth … my breathing is calm and smooth … my breathing is calm and smooth … I am really calm … I am relaxing more and more … I am really calm … really calm … relaxed and calm.”
Repeating to yourself, “My immunity is just right … my immunity is just right … my immunity is not too much or too little … my immunity is just right … my immunity is just right … my immunity is not too much or too little … my immunity is just right … I am really calm … My cells are on track for health.”
Cells are constantly dissolving, repairing, renewing, and doing their work for optimizing health and well-being. Imagine all the cells that are at the end of their life cycle dissolving and being carried safely away … uninvited cells, such as bacteria or unwelcome viruses are disappearing … cells that are no longer needed are dissolving now and being taken care of … Imagine cells repairing and renewing … Imagine the cells rebuilding … cells are repairing and renewing and rebuilding … Imagine cells maintaining and sustaining themselves for the right amount of time … taking care of all your body’s functions … taking care of your heart … taking care of your vital organs … taking care of your glands … taking care of all your body’s functions … Cells come to the end of their natural life cycle, dissolving … renewing … rebuilding … functioning just right …“I am really calm.”
Either use any of these phrases or a healing phrase of your own during this long pause.
(Pause 1 minute.)
Guided Imagination for Healing and Well-Being
It’s time to awaken your mind’s eye, your imagination. It’s fine to see pictures and images, get a concept, or to use your other senses like feeling, hearing, touch, or smell. Naturally using your imagination in your own way.
Remember a time when you felt healthy and well, a time when your energy was good, feeling right with the world.
It’s fine to pretend by imagining what it would be like if it’s hard to remember … Take time to relive that experience by remembering what you were doing. Perhaps you were outside on a beautiful day.
Possibly singing or dancing, playing sports, or were with friends, just so it’s a moment in time when you felt healthy and well and doing whatever you enjoy. Imagine being there now and how it felt … having plenty of energy, stamina, and enjoyment. Bring it alive by using as many of your senses as you can by reliving what it was like, just like it’s happening now … reliving it here and now … and in the present time.
And sensing it more and more, sensing into any feelings and bodily sensations … notice if there’s any emotions, thoughts, or images that might naturally show up … and sensing into them.
Where do you notice well-being showing up in your body? … Showing up as physical sensation in the body … perhaps checking in with your chest … your breath … your arms and legs … around your face … sensing inside yourself, just for now, feelings of health and well-being.
And now, feeling full of health and energy in a future time. If you’re recovering, imagine it all better and living fully again … seeing, sensing, being in the future brimming with health, vitality … imagining yourself enjoying the things you love, with plenty of health and well-being … feeling, sensing, seeing it now.
(A ten-minute pause for remembering wellness is ideal.)
Intuitive Guidance
Sensing yourself right here and now and in the present moment. If you wish, imagine walking down a path of health and well-being … sensing being on your path. And as you’re on your path, you notice being drawn to an offshoot … sensing yourself taking the offshoot … and noticing, sensing up ahead, a source of wisdom. It could be a person, an image, an animal, an impression, just so it’s a source of wisdom that knows you deeply and always has your best interest at heart … And if you wish, bringing this source of wisdom fully alive, more and more … allowing yourself to receive something, perhaps a message to guide you toward more health and well-being … Perhaps there’s something to do to support your health.
(Pause about 10 seconds.)
Perhaps there’s something to stop doing.
(Pause about 10 seconds.)
Sensing whatever people and circumstances are already in place to support you.
(Pause about 10 seconds.)
Sensing whatever people and circumstances are needed for support. (Pause about 10 seconds.)
Sensing yourself with all the support and health needed for being on your path of meaning and purpose.
Opening up to receive messages from this wisdom source.
(Pause about 30 seconds.)
Joyful Rest
And letting all this go, just for now … perhaps sensing having well-being … perhaps sensing an inner place of peace and joy, unconditional peace and joy, where all is well. Soaking in the stillness and quiet during this long, silent pause.
(Pause 1–2 minutes or more.)
True Nature Awareness
And now sensing an intrinsic dimension that is unconditionally healthy, well …feeling connected … wholeness. Resting in pure, unlimited awareness and oneness during this long, quiet pause.
(Pause 1–2 minutes or more.)
Heartfelt Pledge
This is the time for your heartfelt pledge, your sankalpa, to appear, your heartfelt pledge to support a life of meaning and well-being … letting it flow into your awareness, taking shape, more and more … Perhaps it appears as a word or phrase or an image … maybe it’s formless … perhaps letting it sing from your heart and soul … Imagining how it looks and sounds and feels … allowing it to take shape in your life, more and more.
Reawakening and Closing
It’s time to transition back, bringing with you all the insights and understandings you’ve received, for your sake, and for the sake of others.
So, with this greater awareness of yourself, begin breathing more deeply, feeling the breath beginning to awaken you … feeling your breath coming and going, infusing you.
It’s time to stretch your body in ways that come naturally … moving your arms and legs, and moving everything else … Notice the movements, the physical sensations as you’re stretching.
If you’re lying down, please roll to your side and curl up … Eventually, use your arms for support to press yourself up to sitting.
Settle comfortably into sitting.
Rest your hands on your lap … To seal this in and maintain the connection, touch the tips of the thumb and index fingers together.
When you’re ready, start blinking your eyes until they’re fully open. Sensing your surroundings … being aware of sounds … being aware.
Begin stretching about, awakening more and more.
With diligent practice of autogenic training, you will be skillful at using the verbal cue, “I am calm” to become calm. Remember to follow your intuitive guidance for better health and well-being.
Peace, peace, peace. (Om shanti, shanti, shanti.)
Create Yoga Nidra Meditations Like a Pro
Want to lead your own Yoga Nidra meditation sessions but not sure how to get started? Our Yoga Nidra scripts are the answer!
They’re designed to be easy to read aloud, whether you’re addressing a group or flying solo. Plus, you can record your readings and share them online, and use them to spice up your own meditation sessions.
And if you want to offer a full Yoga Nidra meditation course, these scripts are perfect for that too!

Boosts Your Confidence and Skills
Leading a Yoga Niddra session requires much confidence and skill to maintain a calming and peaceful ambiance.
With Yoga Nidra scripts, you don’t need to worry about speaking what is on your mind.
Our scripts are designed to give you the right words at the right time, enabling you to build your confidence and deliver an excellent experience for your audience.
Helps You Create Audio and Video Recordings
Yoga Nidra scripts allow you to create high-quality recordings that you can share with your followers, clients, or sell as part of your business.
Whether you’re creating YouTube videos that attract thousands of viewers or building a membership-based meditation course, our scripts are adaptable for various mediums, giving you infinite possibilities for sharing your work.

Increases Your Credibility
As a Yoga teacher, you want your audience to trust your abilities to provide a calm and peaceful experience.
Using Yoga Nidra scripts increases your credibility and positions you as a knowledgeable leader in meditation.
You will provide your clients with quality instruction and reliable content that will put their minds at ease.
Provides Inspiration and New Ideas
If you’re someone who struggles to come up with new and creative ways to lead your meditation, our guided Yoga Nidra scripts will give you inspiration and new ideas.
You can also add to or alter the script to suit your needs.

Who Are These Scripts For?
Whether you’re a pro or just starting out, our Yoga Nidra meditation scripts are tailored to suit your needs. Perfect for:
- meditation teacher or practitioner
- yoga instructor
- coach and counselor
- therapist
- mental health professional
- psychologist and psychotherapist
- voiceover artist
- content creator
- podcaster
- writer
- athlete
- app developer
- blogger
Our Yoga Nidra Scripts Will Help You:
- Improve your meditation-leading confidence and skills
- Create audio and video recordings for your business
- Grow your business by increasing your credibility
- Find inspiration and new ideas for your own meditation(s)
- Read aloud to individuals or groups
- Enhance your self-improvement journey

What You Will Receive
Get ready to receive gorgeously designed PDF files that are a breeze to read, follow, and comprehend. Say goodbye to confusion and hello to clarity with our easy-to-use format.
These scripts can help you increase mindfulness and reduce stress, anxiety, depression, and overwhelm using proven techniques and methods.
To ensure the best experience, we suggest using a desktop device for your initial download.
- Create audio and video recordings that you can use for your business (including apps, YouTube, courses, and podcasts). You can share these recordings online and/or play them during sessions you lead
- Grow your business
- Use these scripts in courses you create, share, and sell
- Use these scripts privately and with your clients
- Edit and customize

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This script has been crafted with love and formatted in a clear, organized layout, making it easy to read aloud for individuals or groups. It is suitable for personal and professional use, including YouTube videos and monetization, and for voiceover recordings.
Use this script to lead your own Yoga Nidra meditation, edit or alter the script to suit your needs, use it in courses you create and sell, or use it privately with your clients.
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- Digital file type(s): 1 PDF
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Frequently Asked Questions
How can I utilize the scripts? What am I not allowed to do with?
You can use them to lead sessions for individuals or groups, record audio and video versions to share online or sell, or even create your own courses. And if you prefer to keep things private, they’re perfect for your personal practice too. Just remember: these PDF files are for your use only and cannot be resold or rebranded without permission.
Can I edit the scripts?
Of course! Feel free to customize the language and make it your own so you can confidently guide others in a way that feels natural to you. Just remember, don’t resell the PDF files as they are or with your own branding.
How long are the scripts?
Our scripts can range in length from just 5 minutes to a maximum of 45-60 minutes, depending on the script you purchase and how much silence you’d like in between sections. We believe in giving you the freedom to choose what works best for you.
What's the format of the scripts? Are they written, audio, or video?
Our scripts are available in a beautifully designed and easy-to-read format as separate PDF files. They are hassle-free to follow and understand. You are absolutely free to record audio or videos using the scripts and monetize them. Let your creativity soar!
When will I receive the scripts?
Good news, you won’t have to wait for anything in the mail. Our Scripts are completely digital, so as soon as you order, everything can be downloaded right from the internet! And the best part? Instant online access to the Scripts is all yours. No delays, no fuss.
Can I save the scripts to my computer? Do they work with my computer, phone, and tablet?
Once you’ve placed your order, you’ll have immediate access to the scripts and can easily download them onto your computer. Plus, since the files are in PDF format, you can use them on any device – from a computer to a tablet or mobile phone. To ensure the smoothest experience, we recommend downloading the scripts onto a desktop computer for your first go-around.
I have purchased a Bundle and received a ZIP file. How do I open it?
After you finish downloading, head to the ZIP file on your computer. Simply right-click (or control-click for Mac users) on the file. A menu should appear with options like Extract, Extract All, or Unzip. If none of these options are visible, consider downloading a free program that can unpack ZIP files such as WinRAR or 7Zip. Choose one of the menu options, and follow the instructions that appear. This should create a new folder containing the contents of the ZIP file. Easy peasy!